Revenge is a dish best served cold


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Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I'm not sure I get why it is funny that someone gets "revenge" on someone who wanted the law enforced?

I read it that the complaining neighbor reported him not because he broke the law by a silly 18 inches, but because he was mad that someone built a house on property that once sat empty and this new neighbor would be enjoying his old view. The complaining neighbor still loses the view he once had regardless of the 18 inch height change, but his new neighbor now is stuck footing the bill for all these changes. Odds are the guy had no idea he was breaking any laws.

IMO, the old neighbor was being a jerk just for the sake of being a jerk. If he wanted to preserve his view so bad, he should have bought the property himself to ensure no one would build there.

Assuming the "abstract art" is facing away from the street, I'd suppliment the "art" by placing the gaudiest lawn ornaments I could find directly below it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *KT*
Odds are the guy had no idea he was breaking any laws.

If you build a house and don't look up the zoning laws and ordinances, then you don't really have any right to complain when you get in trouble.

There is more to the story than written above. Check out snopes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *KT*
Assuming the "abstract art" is facing away from the street, I'd suppliment the "art" by placing the gaudiest lawn ornaments I could find directly below it.

Some of those pink flamingoes and the lady bent over with her polka dot bloomers showing would be a great start. Top the garden off with a few gnomes and you've got yourself a lovely replica of a Florida retiree's front lawn!!