Originally Posted by amoona
lmao I know what I've said thanks. No people in California don't treat me like this, because the Bay Area is very liberal. I'm aware that California is a part of America. Everyone just makes assumptions of what I'm saying so I'll let you guys do that.
I said I was American by citizenship and Palestinian by heritage ... if you can't understand what I'm saying and jump to your own conclusions and interpert what I'm saying then there's not much I can help you with.
Wooooww... I'm from California, born and raised, and way to generalize the Bay. I don't think anyone is "jumping to conclusions" about your heritage, your citizenship, or your religion anymore.. Even in Berkeley (where I go to school), there are A LOT of close minded people. Not all of the protests are liberal. Don't forget about the North and Southern parts of California (the boonies) where all the rural folks live =]..
I think that a lot of the people in this thread are just annoyed by you!
You really don't need to defend your entire country/religion..
And I think what Shimmer was trying to point out is that you CAN get out of the US if you really want to. If you dislike living here so much, you can figure out a way to make money to leave, etc. etc. (Not saying that you should!)