RIP Peluso, the cutest hamster in the world

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
My hamster died today
He was the first pet I had as an adult, and he was soooooo cute.

A couple weeks ago he started moving less and less every day... this weekend he stopped eating and drinking... until he died in my mother's hands this afternoon while I was at Uni.


Well-known member
awwww... little fuzzy guy. Hes in Hamster Heaven now ..Can you Imagine all the fresh things to eat and wheels to run in.. not to mention all the fluffy stuff to burrow in and sleep all day long. <hugz>


Well-known member
ohh! i know how you feel. My first hamster that my roommate and I owned died in the fall of '06...we were so shocked and I think we still are saddened when we mention her. Hamsters deceivingly have so much personality!