RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
the blush is sooooo pretty for fair skin!
The blush over the shadows.. The shadows are way more easily dupeable


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Richelle83


I'm seriously thinking of going back tomorrow. Anyone else thinking of getting BU's?

I'm ABSOLUTELY backing up TTT LS and Nude. The question is how many Nudes and I going to get lol... It's either going to be one or two. I'm going to play around with it for a few days with different liners. This is the first nude by MAC that I've instantly liked on myself without a liner. And I actually like the taupey/grayish zombie quality of it for the Fall/Winter.

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
I applied TTT liner and filled my lips but it was a little patchy. It seems it dries super fast so when you go to layer on another swipe over it you'll notice the patchiness. So I took it off put TTT lipstick on and the cleaned up the edges with the liner. MUCH BETTER. the pic isn't great but it'll do for now. I REALLY like the color and I think it's different from FOD.
Pure beauty!!!! :eyelove:


Well-known member
If anyone is in the Bay Area as of 11:30 MAC Valley Fair has everything except the darker lip liner. Seems like they got a lot of stock!

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
Prelim lip swatch of Nude. I'm an NW45/NC50 a little bit of hyperpigmentation around the "muzzle" area for reference. Pls note I am bare faced right now (and excuse the dry lip lines lol). I'm more than satisfied with this one as I feel I can wear it sans liner. Also I love that it's not a RM formula, it goes on pretty even and smooth!
So beautiful :eyelove:


Well-known member
I keep trying to get a good swatch pic of TTT but I don't want to take off the plastic on my phone yet
TTT looks so sexy great on you!!!

I'm the same way with anything new that I get
My daughter in law got the new phone & she said its pretty awesome. She kept sending me pics & texts so I think she really likes it ;)

Faye Miller

Active member
And here is nude! Im a nw45 for reference...im in need of a liner i think to make it work. Also you can clearly see the diamonds cream base on the left side of the photo. I normally wear nars albatross but diamonds is giving it a run for its money :)


Well-known member
And here is nude! Im a nw45 for reference...im in need of a liner i think to make it work. Also you can clearly see the diamonds cream base on the left side of the photo. I normally wear nars albatross but diamonds is giving it a run for its money
Yes, yes, yes!


Well-known member
Diamonds is really frosty. I think it's more the color than the frost factor that could screw up dark skin. It's a really cool, silvery/taupe color and that's hard to deal with when there's frost on top of that. It's hard to say if you can make it be seen w/o it looking ashy.
I tried myself and I couldn't do it on nc50. It wasn't glittery just too "I want to be seen" frosty for me. This other customer was nc35 and it looked amaaaaazing on her. I was so jealous!
My SA was NW50 or so and applied Diamonds right there in front of me on her cheekbones...it was perfect. Not too frosty or light. 
I wish that had have been the case for me but it totally wasn't. I'm disappointed too because it looks great but not on me :(
If you build TTT up it actually looks like a matter version on Prince Noir!!
I thought the same thing! I love talk that talk. That's my fav from this collection so far.
Now I'm wondering if it's anything like MAC's Silver Dusk but in a cream instead of a powder. 
That's a great comparison. I'd have to say they're cousins though. It looks IMO to be slightly beigier than silver dusk.
 I don't know my foundation color since I don't own any, but it's fairly light.  I think the key to the Nude color lippy is how heavy you apply it.  If you apply it and blot some off it works well for lighter skin.  You just can't be heavy handed with it. 
Agreed! There would be no room for smoky eyes without nudes. Lol
:haha: me too :sigh: I really wanted the pink brushes, but hate looking at that stupid R. Maybe I could sand the R off :lol:
I'm not into that R either. Doesn't look too bad though.


Well-known member
And here is nude! Im a nw45 for reference...im in need of a liner i think to make it work. Also you can clearly see the diamonds cream base on the left side of the photo. I normally wear nars albatross but diamonds is giving it a run for its money :)
Nude is absolutely perfect on you.


Well-known member
Thanks! My eye makeup is from last night LOL but I had to get a pic up of this blush on fair skin because I am seriously obsessed. Im out of my remover wipes and I totally forgot to get a new pack in the store... My memory failed me and all I saw was rose gold and pink