RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Active member
Ok, here's my experience with the RiRi Collection today: I got up super early and headed out abt an hour away to Tyson's Corner (DMV folks know what I mean). There were a cpl of ppl waiting in front of MAC...like 5 I think. Doors open and the SAs tell us that it's only 1 per customer, BUT corporate only sent them 3 TTT! I was like, "Da Fuq!?" Anyway, one had to be used for a tester and there were two girls in front of me who got TTT. To say I was bummed was an understatement. I just told them to give me Nude, TTT liner, and BGGG blush. I stayed around a little longer talking to some of the girls and the Regional Manager, who was hilarious by the way, and BAM!!!! They got another shipment of TTT lipstick in...so I got it with my pressed self lol! Oh, TTT liner and lipstick looked AH-MAZINGGG on the store manager!


Well-known member
I need to clear something up lol.....I've been saying WTC looks like Tea Cakes.....I meant Dainty Cakes!! From the High Tea collection back in '04. When I get it I'll swatch them (yes, I still have DC lol....it still smells good and I live life on the edge lol)


Well-known member
Too many posts to multi quote to and too many gorgeous pictures of you ladies to add to also. Thank you all so very much for your beautiful photos and reviews. You all look GORGEOUS!!! I am still in debate over what I want. I originally only wanted TTT l/s. Now, I'm considering getting the nude and the diamonds ccb. This will be my first ever ccb purchase. I don't know. Part of me want to save up for the new Melt cosmetics. There are three lippies I want and their quite expensive (for me at least). Maybe I'll just get the diamonds and ttt. Good grief. I will probably end up buying everything once it's online.


Well-known member
I got up super early and headed out abt an hour away to Tyson's Corner (DMV folks know what I mean). There were a cpl of ppl waiting in front of MAC...like 5 I think. Doors open and the SAs tell us that it's only 1 per customer, BUT corporate only sent them 3 TTT! I was like, "Da Fuq!?" Anyway, one had to be used for a tester and there were two girls in front of me who got TTT. To say I was bummed was an understatement. I just told them to give me Nude, TTT liner, and BGGG blush. I stayed around a little longer talking to some of the girls and the Regional Manager, who was hilarious by the way, and BAM!!!! They got another shipment of TTT lipstick in...so I got it with my pressed self lol! Oh, TTT liner and lipstick looked AH-MAZINGGG on the store manager!
Cool! Good thing you hung around for a while.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by stacekang

Nude on me looks like melted milk chocolate LOL! Cant decide how I feel about it.. Looks better with some of my super light lipglasses on top

'' YES. Gettin it. In the bag. Will be mine.


Well-known member
I got up super early and headed out abt an hour away to Tyson's Corner (DMV folks know what I mean). There were a cpl of ppl waiting in front of MAC...like 5 I think. Doors open and the SAs tell us that it's only 1 per customer, BUT corporate only sent them 3 TTT! I was like, "Da Fuq!?" Anyway, one had to be used for a tester and there were two girls in front of me who got TTT. To say I was bummed was an understatement. I just told them to give me Nude, TTT liner, and BGGG blush. I stayed around a little longer talking to some of the girls and the Regional Manager, who was hilarious by the way, and BAM!!!! They got another shipment of TTT lipstick in...so I got it with my pressed self lol! Oh, TTT liner and lipstick looked AH-MAZINGGG on the store manager!

Super bummed because I as at work I live in the DMV are (newbie though) and I so wanted to pick them up today.


Well-known member
Anyone test out the brushes yet im trying to hold out purchasing the 187 until reviews come in ive heard nothing but bad reviews on previous SE brushes


Well-known member
Did anyone get the riri woo lip liner? Thoughts if any?
I didn't get it but one of the mua was wearing it and looked slightly pink to me. The store had a "dupe" list for the products in the collex, and they recommended Kiss Me Quick liner as a dupe, which I can understand because it's a pink-red.


Well-known member
I'm beginning to feel that way about a lot of brands like how many highlighters do I need!? Lol So many brands put out a new highlighter every other week... I loooooove this.... I don't care for it much either I just wanted the compact lol Gorrrrrrrgeous! Omg I wish diamonds did that for me lol It was actually short hills but I've been to shrewsbury before. I think Willowbrook is the best in the nj area. The others tend to have that Mac snobbery thing going on, they'll roll their eyes at you and snap at you and all that type of thing. Ooohhhhh that sounds interesting....
Maybe I saw you! Short hills was crazy! I was last in the line and I still managed to get everything I wanted except who's that chick. I thought they would have let small groups in rather than the entire line. Someone took the whole stack of sheets by the display so the girl I had went to look around for a sheet to fill out for me and then didn't even know the products.


Well-known member
I can't wait to get off work so I can get my goodies. My SA is holding everything for me. Diamonds and TTT are my must-haves while tue rest are for CPs. Online launch will be my backup plan just in case and as an additional backup plan, my Macy's SA is holding everything me for next Thursday's counter launch - made an appt. for that one.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Baby1black

Did anyone get the riri woo lip liner? Thoughts if any?

I swatched it, but I've been wearing RRW LS with Cherry and I'm good with that. I didn't feel like buying it just for the formula's sake. Now the gloss I did get because I don't own a red gloss.


Well-known member
I think this looks beautiful on you, babygirlLAH !!! I really hope you get used to it and decide to keep it! It's a beautiful natural lip on you!!!!!!
Thank you!

I wasn't planning on keeping either lippies I bought today after getting to try them but I'm reconsidering and even thinking of getting a BU of Nude. lol. WTC on the other hand.....

I'm sure it'll look awesome on other people but for me I'm not that creative to make it work....


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by RaizinnthaSun

I didn't get it but one of the mua was wearing it and looked slightly pink to me.  The store had a "dupe" list for the products in the collex, and they recommended Kiss Me Quick liner as a dupe, which I can understand because it's a pink-red. 

See I didn't even think about it pulling pink. RRW LS pulls pink on me, PLUS my bottom lip is a bit pink, but I didn't even consider the fact that the liner might pull the same way. Glad I didn't get it!

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