RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
I'm trying to get there by 9. I'm thinking there's a relatively new mac counter at the macys in the mall down the road and I don't think a lot of people are aware of it yet. However, I'll stick to nordstroms because macys is always a little suspect to me.

I think I might have to run when they pull the gate up. I'm thinking maybe I should wait outside at the entrance because it's a few steps closer to the mac counter.

Ugh, that's the bad part of going to a counter, you may have to run to the counter when they open. Gah! I'm glad my mall has a MAC in Macy's and a freestanding one that's under Macy's. I think I'm just going to go to the freestanding one so I don't have to run to the counter. What confuses me is that it's freestanding but still part of Macy's. They've gotten MSO collections, yet they aren't getting this one until tomorrow.

Quote: Originally Posted by erine1881

Unfortunately no matter how many rules different stores set in place, a handful of crazies fail to to follow them. If you're able to, get to one of the locations (wherever you feel more comfortable shopping) at least 30mins early with coffee and a book and stand in line. Bring comfortable shoes and get ready to walk fast and use a stern voice if needed. And at all costs, stand your ground!
Erine, you're scaring me.


Well-known member
Are most of you hanging around for nordstroms online launch to get back ups or are you still trying to get ahold of the collection, period?
yep.. I want the nude backup and i want diamonds and maybe the liquidlast.. all this time i was telling myself i don't need an eyeliner cause i have one.. then i looked through my makeup case......
nope i dont have one... i don't know why i thought i did or maybe i lost it somewhere. so now i want the eyeliner. Im mad though because i was watching a yt vid and the girl was like" it doesn't make sense to by the liquide last because the outside design will mark off and then your left with the original tube of liquid last" which is very true.. so contemplating on if i need the liner..

Oh i also kinda want the lipliner ririwoo but i really don't need it.. ugh decisions decisions part 2


Well-known member
Aw, feel better. Ugh, that's the bad part of going to a counter, you may have to run to the counter when they open. Gah! I'm glad my mall has a MAC in Macy's and a freestanding one that's under Macy's. I think I'm just going to go to the freestanding one so I don't have to run to the counter. What confuses me is that it's freestanding but still part of Macy's. They've gotten MSO collections, yet they aren't getting this one until tomorrow. 
Inside is better no? When was MM collection. I was on freestanding and when i was Almost inside nothing then i went inside macys like 30 minutes after and they had everithing less SI


Well-known member
I don't know why but this made me laugh! To the girl who asked, I'd try Macys last just because I feel they are the most inconsistent with their rules. But who knows they might get the most stock. Try calling before the places open :)
I can't tell you how many time I'd use that line when customers would call at noon asking " i wanna come in and get my makeup done. Are you guys gonna be busy at 5?" :blink: :durr:
Erine, you're scaring me. :haha:
If people act stupid, i let em know! I don't have time for that shit!


Well-known member
Im trying to decide which counter I should go to! there Nordies at one mall that's more popular, and one at macys at a less popular mall. then theres bloomies down the street in the rich ass area, I don't know where I will have better luck!!! ughhh lol I can only get like 3 things but I will still be outside by 930 with my pumpkin spice latte!


Well-known member
Almost inside nothing then i went inside macys like 30 minutes after and they had everithing less SI
Yeah, that's one reason why I want to go inside, because they will probably have better stock than the outside one. I just don't want to do any running to the counter if things get crazy.


Well-known member
Online is my only choice. I have to leave at 1030 to babysit for my best friend. I could always make her nab a TTT for me, as she is the manager of the BE counter which is next door to the MAC counter. She owes me that much for watching my "nieces", right? :haha:


Well-known member
Good thing I ordered the concealer palette, because I'm going to need it to hide these bags and dark circles tomorrow


Well-known member
why does it seem like it takes forever for Nordstrom's and Macy's to release their collection after it sells out on MAC. it's torture... I tell you.... torture

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