RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
We have no info for holiday and its bugging me already!! We do know the ririwoo lipstick is coming back for sure other than that we know nada
T_T I really want to hold off on the RRW lip glass as much as I can. After taking a double look at this packaging, I want to see if I could possibly get BUs in a different style. Maybe more info will be out around October...


Well-known member
That IG situation got ugly real quick she was just throwing her ugly all over the place!! Booooo now the page is blocked :(


Well-known member
yep this is all the info chicprofile posted: MAC Holiday 2013 RiRi Hearts Collection Available on the counters in the end of fall 2013 this collection will include another 10 new items such as nail polish, additional lipstick shades and a makeup bag.
Oh God, I could only imagine what that makeup bag is going to look like. *shivers*


Well-known member
Oh God, I could only imagine what that makeup bag is going to look like. *shivers*

Ana A

Well-known member
I'm sure she kept the photo up. Whatever. I reported her ass.
Yeap she did and I've been reporting her ass all day, and I've asked my friends on IG to do so as well...I dont understand how difficult it is to credit your source, her subscribers ultimately wont care where the info is coming from anyway and she'll be following proper decorum but the #ratchetteam just wont quit. All I know is that when you get caught doing things like that in school you dont only get expelled but you also get a permanent mark on your record. Ignorance is not an excuse because everybody knows.

On a different subject, I dont understand why Rihanna wants to make us look dead with that lipstick. I guess some will be rocking the morgue look this fall lol...


Well-known member
I thought about typing it out on notes, screen capturing it, and then adding my watermark. That'll stop this type of thievery and bloggers who cut and paste. But it won't stop bloggers who just rewrite the info. They'll still steal the content, but just need to do a bit more work in the process. Anyone have thoughts on how to prevent the latter?
I believe there is some type of html code you can use that will prevent people from using the copy and paste function. I don't remember what its called but I'll try to look into it more.


Well-known member
My thoughts? Have a no thievery agreement in the terms of service and straight up delete anyone caught stealing. Mods would have to agree. Anyone joining has to disclose any and all blog affiliations sothis can be tracked.
The problem is that you don't have to be a member on Specktra to access all threads. While a thievery agreement might help to reduce some theft, those who want to steal will just access Specktra w/o logging on.


Well-known member
I really wish parts of specktra were private. It'd be sad to exclude new members from joining all parts, but this kind of shit has stopped others from releasing info early, and makes me think about doing the same.
If you have to take a break, do it. You'll probably feel much better.


Well-known member
Me too!

thanks for the tip!
That's right Erin tell her off!

I'm all for it because this is getting out of hand. I would do whatever is required to access to private forum. I'm already moving up the ranks (senior status baby)
Thank you Erin for contributing to the site the way you do. You already know how I feel about you!

I believe there is some type of html code you can use that will prevent people from using the copy and paste function. I don't remember what its called but I'll try to look into it more.

People will steal the info regardless. They just will take screenshots.


Well-known member
i like the packaging for this collection, but i do wish the it was of a heavier metal if reports are true. my list for this collection include ttt l/s and l/l, and nude depending on the swatches. i am interested to know what's in the holiday collection, hopefully something worth buying in a compact. as for the info stealing, i'll never understand why it's so hard to give proper credit to someone. smh.


Well-known member
I probably would. :cloud9:
Yea whatever makes you feel good. Lets see how these thieves get their early info now lol I really dont think they understand that its not the copying thats the issue its just the credit. Simple as that. I do light blogging and i dont write collection info from any brand. I just talk about things i have. The end. Lol

Ana A

Well-known member
That sucks :( we'll definitely long for the "Erine breaking news" but a nice break from the bs might be nice.........We should have some kind of policy (like in the clearance bin) in which ppl arent allowed to access certain info unless they've participated long enough, that would help with all the lurkers and thieves.


Well-known member
That sucks :( we'll definitely long for the "Erine breaking news" but a nice break from the bs might be nice.........We should have some kind of policy (like in the clearance bin) in which ppl arent allowed to access certain info unless they've participated long enough, that would help with all the lurkers and thieves.
Oh so much this!!!


Well-known member
It really sucks that people steal info and not give credit where credit is due. I do agree with Ana A about a policy that Specktra should have like how to access the Clearance Bin for new members.


Well-known member
We gotta come up with a better word to describe these shades. Even on Rihanna's lightened complexion it doesn't look nude. It's like she smeared some cake batter on her lips. On my skin, I prefer natural which would be a light peachy shade like Barbarella by Nars or Honey Flower by Mac (which they discontinued
yea, at this point need to see something new


Well-known member
It looks like countless other "nude" lipsticks that only really work with a good liner. Skip. We gotta come up with a better word to describe these shades. Even on Rihanna's lightened complexion it doesn't look nude. It's like she smeared some cake batter on her lips..
Its not even the lipstick shes wearing lol it was freckletone and and a lip liner But i think the reason they called it Nude was because of her fragrance. They messed up by describing it as a nude lmao lol shouldve just described it as spoiled milk chocolate


Well-known member
I'm waaaay behind in this thread — i was out of town camping from the 4th until yesterday. Had a great time and managed to avoid sunburn, although my nose is a little pink.

Gotta say, i was looking forward to the rose gold packaging if it was metal and not plastic, although i sure didn't like the red signature. But that pink "R" is just way too much, too fugly. I probably won't bother to depot any lipsticks i get, if i even get any. But now i'm really in no hurry for anything in a compact or palette. Ugh. I need TTT Lipliner. But I don't want RRW or WTC lipsticks. Cyber is already a satin, so if TTT is a matte dupe i'll skip. Nude may be nice... but it remains to be seen, literally - i'm fussy about nudes...

I'm still interested in Diamonds Cream Colour Base, although the "special packaging" is no thrill, and may even be a drawback.

I got what i wanted from the last release without too much grief - although i certainly sympathize and empathize with everyone who went through hell. So i am not excited about the process of the next release. So i was thinking about four new items, but if i don't get any, i'll live. To quote "Blues Boy" King, "The Thrill is Gone."