RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
OMG you guys are just too funny on here this has to be the best shopping experience ive had in a long time!! totally makes up for mondays drama :)


Well-known member
this is crazy. I was going to get a b/u of TTT but it was the first thing gone. I got diamonds and hk and her cocoa. also got FOD and RH so i'm a happy camper


Well-known member
I just got an order confirmation e-mail and they added a nordstroms note. If this goes through I will only have paid two bucks for diamonds! How wild???! Please be real.


Well-known member
damn, I wasn't thinking & ordered 2 nudes l/s in 1 order from nordstrom, will they cancel my whole order now?


Well-known member
I'm about to cry Fuck you Luther's dude seriously I don't even know how I missed it?! I ordered and it say cancelled? Wtf LURKERS**** omg lol


Well-known member
I went to MAC at half 9 when it opened and picked up Diamonds, Hibicus Kiss, Nude, Riri Woo, talk that talk, who's that chick and both lip liners. Nude looks gorgeous with me nc15 complexion I was quite surprised! I tried the blush and that looked awful on me. When I paid for the stuff I was thinking that's a bit too much because I added the prices up before I purchased, so I checked my bag when she gave me it and she sneaked the lip gloss and one of the brushes in which I didn't ask for, I did get my refund back on those two but it still annoyed me a little as now I have to wait a few days for it to refund my card lol!


Well-known member
so i was on the site as soon as it went up.. had all that i wanted in my cart...but had some credit card issues so had to go get one that was in the car..and by that time Talk That Talk had gone..however I had notice MAC Fixed on Drama was restocked whilst i was stalking so I added that to my cart before so i guess I can do without Talk That Talk...but YESSSS Success feels good! good luck everyone..its 5:30am here so I'm off to bed

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