RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
Contemplating going to my counter to try to get HK. I have it from summer but I keep looking at that pretty compact. Crazy right?


Well-known member
Good luck to everyone heading out or already waiting outside the store. Im stuck in bed feeling a bit sick so im glad i was able to get everything early. I was planning on going to the mall this morning to return a hat i had bought so i was going to swing by to see if i should snag any backups. But in all honesty i dont think i really need backups. I already have a fee ririwoos and i dont think ill finish the other stuff i got so quickly.


New member
I'm excited for you guys.Looking at most of the collection on Nordstom.com is amazing, even though I already snagged my two products(Riri woo lipstick and lipglass) on Monday.
I already texted my friend to hurry up and buy her stuff.


Well-known member
Good luck to everyone heading out or already waiting outside the store. Im stuck in bed feeling a bit sick so im glad i was able to get everything early. I was planning on going to the mall this morning to return a hat i had bought so i was going to swing by to see if i should snag any backups. But in all honesty i dont think i really need backups. I already have a fee ririwoos and i dont think ill finish the other stuff i got so quickly.
Feel better, girl. :)


Well-known member
Just talked to Nordies C.S. about this. Confirmed Nordies was expecting stock in the "triple digits" but received stock in the "double digits" which is why they had to cancel many orders. MAC is playing games to drive up the frenzy. They do this. It basically confirmed my speculation over if this is intentional or not. They can suck it, they won't get my money for TTT. (Unless they restock LOL). But I also predict on past experience there will be a restock that sells out fast and so I am not paying $50 and up on ebay! (yet)

Hope this helps someone


Well-known member
I was planning on going to the mall this morning to return a hat i had bought so i was going to swing by to see if i should snag any backups. But in all honesty i dont think i really need backups. I already have a fee ririwoos and i dont think ill finish the other stuff i got so quickly.
Hope you feel better soon!


Well-known member
I havea test today so I've been studying and totally missed the Nordies launch. Oh well. I already spent the money I was going to spend on this on new Iron Fist shoes anyway. That's what happens when mac plays games. Besides, Diamonds and TTT are lovely but not entirely special. I was thinking of getting Pearl or Luna ccb instead but I changed my mind because I'm mad at MAC.


Well-known member
i don't even know if I will buy Diamonds if it restocks on the MAC site because I am still so mad at them for this launch. I'm straying to other brands.


Well-known member
I have BGGG in my cart, but am having a hard time hitting the finalize order button. I think I'm just plain over it.


Well-known member
Yes wait at the door... Because hopefully then people will line up behind you and even if its the wrong door... You are at the front of the line?

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