RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
on my way to work.. they should have released a concealer in this collection, i look haggard as hell.

my nordie's diamonds order is still "in process" so i hope thats a good signs. lippies from bloomies set to ship on the 7th


Well-known member
Accidentally posted in the holiday thread. Long story short I witnessed two freak outs and got diamonds and another TTT. So I have two TTT's and if my orders hold up, three diamonds. Still debating the cocoa quad. Someone tell me no.
NO, I'll move your post over here.


Well-known member
Oh, forgot to mention Diamonds is on ebay for $99!


Well-known member
I'm about to head out to Dillard's. Since I live in a relatively small-ish town, I wonder if there's going to be a lot of people at the counter. Oh, well... good luck to me.


Well-known member
Not sure if you guys have seen it but TTT and Nude is available on Nordstrom on backorder


Well-known member
Went to my local Dillard's although I have an angel working hard for me to get me the things I want. Really hoping she scores because although I was 3rd in line my Dillard's claimed to not have gotten TTT at all (we saw a woman walk out of the store before they opened with a bag from the MAC counter though....she said she had pre-ordered but the SA's swear they didn't do pre-orders...you know how THAT story goes). And they claimed to only had received 2 Nudes and were out by the time they got to me BUT the two women before me didn't buy Nude. Yeah. Gotta lovey one and only available MAC counter in my city. Rat bastards.


Well-known member
I don't know what is wrong with me.

I woke up in the middle of the night, saw the Rihanna collections, put stuff in my cart, then decided I don't need any of it and closed the window and went back to sleep. I am up again now, and not regretting it. I think I am waiting for holiday. I think this go round the colors either aren't unique enough or are shades that won't suit me. I LOVE the packaging, but I just can't buy for that alone.

I missed my chance to make a quick penny on eBay, huh? LOL


Well-known member
Yup the struggle was real I got there at 9:01 through. Got Ttt ls and ll, bu riri woo and. Bggg blush. Thank u God.


Well-known member
Not sure if you guys have seen it but TTT and Nude is available on Nordstrom on backorder
Thank you!!!! Good thing I still had the tab open. I snagged both with no hesitation. I'm thinking they will just ship them from the stores. Last time I had something back ordered it shipped from a local Nordstrom. So I hope that's the case this time around. Now if they'd back order Diamonds I'll be done with this collection!


Well-known member
This reminds me of when I missed out on Guerlain's wulong compact and it was going for $300-400 on ebay.... Crazyyyyyy. Riri is the new heatherette

Faye Miller

Active member
Accidentally posted in the holiday thread. Long story short I witnessed two freak outs and got diamonds and another TTT. So I have two TTT's and if my orders hold up, three diamonds. Still debating the cocoa quad. Someone tell me no.
I csnt do Sorry :p ttt looks great with the her cocoa shadows..you wont be sorry! Ive been basically wearing the same look for a week now and im not tired lo


Well-known member
] I csnt do Sorry :p ttt looks great with the her cocoa shadows..you wont be sorry! Ive been basically wearing the same look for a week now and im not tired lo
See this is trifling. :lol: I'm headed home already but you may have tempted me to pick it up later. Seems it's not going anywhere.

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