RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
BDC has much more of a coral/red undertone, where as HK is a coral/poppy pink color! Granted this is on my olive skin tone (NC30/35). Remember underones can drastically change the color a blush pulls on you!
Dang those both look awesome on you!!!


Well-known member
thanks, im just going to get it! i dont see it anywhere else and wont forgive myself for missing on it.

Thanks Both of you for taking the time to do the swatches! ill be waiting, even tho ill order BDC right now


Well-known member
Hi everyone

the collection went up yesterday here, and I was lucky enough to get both RRW and TTT l/p and l/l I'm so happy

I tried to be reasonable and stopped myself from getting the HC quad and the brush... Kinda regretting it now so fingers crossed they'll restock :)

As usual thanks for the great swatches that helped me decide what to get (collections always come out earlier in the US ^^)


Well-known member
Dang those both look awesome on you!!!
Thanks elegant-one. I love them both. TBH, I hadn't used HK until this swatch lol! Am I the only one who hasn't opened their stuff yet?? I like swatched a couple things once and then put them back in their boxes and into their MAC bag because they are too pretty to use lol!!


Well-known member
BDC has much more of a coral/red undertone, where as HK is a coral/poppy pink color! Granted this is on my olive skin tone (NC30/35). Remember underones can drastically change the color a blush pulls on you!
Yikes! BDC is BRIGHT!

It reminds me a bit of Salsarose. I wonder how close they really are...


Well-known member
Thanks elegant-one. I love them both. TBH, I hadn't used HK until this swatch lol! Am I the only one who hasn't opened their stuff yet?? I like swatched a couple things once and then put them back in their boxes and into their MAC bag because they are too pretty to use lol!!
I have a huge bag in my closet full of empty makeup boxes lol, i have no idea why i keep them!


Well-known member
Yikes! BDC is BRIGHT! :eyelove:   It reminds me a bit of Salsarose. I wonder how close they really are...
Now that I don't own! But I found a comparison from this blog http://morelikespace.blogspot.com/2013/06/making-faces-summertime-blues-nars-has.html?m=1
It seems a bit pinker rather than coral-pink


Well-known member
Thanks elegant-one. I love them both. TBH, I hadn't used HK until this swatch lol! Am I the only one who hasn't opened their stuff yet?? I like swatched a couple things once and then put them back in their boxes and into their MAC bag because they are too pretty to use lol!!
Now I know I'm not crazy. I swatched and put them all back in their boxes. Don't want to use them...


Well-known member
Now I know I'm not crazy. I swatched and put them all back in their boxes.  Don't want to use them...
I don't know why? :( it's so depressing. I feel like I need backups before I want to use anything... So silly... Hahaha we may be crazy but at least we can be in the crazy boat together haha


Well-known member
It seems a bit pinker rather than coral-pink

BDC looks a lot more wearable than Salsarose because it's more coral. I've always been intimidated by Salsarose but I might just give BDC a go. I don't own any NARS blushes. Gotta start somewhere!


Well-known member
My hubby is in cali on business n he :encore:jus called n said he would hit all the duty free shops on his way back from cali to where we are in the east coast. What a nice man. And to think we almost divorced last year. :eyelove: Im still lookin for the ccb Crossin my fingers


Well-known member
In the meantime.. I'm going thru my coat pockets and old purses looking for $17 in change for 1 more lipstick lol

At least you weren't finding lipsticks like I was last week... Trying to do inventory of my stash and ended up finding about 4 lippies and 3 lip pencils in purses I thought I had emptied lol...
you know what.. that actually HAS happened to me! I found 2 new mac eyeshadows from the collection that came in the orange box some time ago. I was searching for an ink pen in an old purse and under all the haystack of tissues, cough drop wrappers and CVS receipts, were 2 shadows O_O.


Well-known member
No, its not close to Salsarose. Salsarose is more of a bright pinked rosey red.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Salsarose - everyone should own that blush its just that gorgeous
Is it easy to blend? I can deal with it being so bright if I have the option to blend the crap out of it. At least the first couple of times I wear it. Kinda like a test drive

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