RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
Now this is crazy!!!!
I saw this last night. I saw a TTT lippy go for 100 dollars. I guess this is for hardcore fans. Lmao I really liked the colors in this collection but I don't like Rhianna enough to part with the kind of money people are reselling these things for.


Well-known member
Very Pretty! major envy here cause of TTT ls. your lips dont look patchy at all. and your skin looks amazing!

so exciting! im waiting for 1 box today. Funny thing is i wait for the guy to put the Boxes in the front door, get into the truck and leave. he comes almost Everyday. im so embarrassed of my happy crazy face
i just peak through the window jumping LOL , once he is gone. i run to pick the boxes up!!!
I do that with the mailman because I don't want to appear desperate but when it comes to MAC boxes I don't care what he thinks I want my box( my house is gated so if I don't go get it they will throw it over the fence)and it's usuall the came guy, I think he knows me already because one time I had gone walking to a near by store because my mom wanted a Dr. Pepper. I kept telling her I'm waiting for my box what if he comes and I miss it. But she kept crying about her Dr. Pepper and then I felt bad so I said ok let's go. Right when we were coming back UPS had just pulled up to my house but I didn't want him to think that I was just some ramdom person trying to steal a package so I went to unlock the gate so he would know I lived there. When I went to get it from him he laughed at me and ask me if I was going to go in with my package. So I think it's safe to say he knows me already.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Lipstickwh0re

I saw this last night. I saw a  TTT lippy go for 100 dollars. I guess this is for hardcore fans. Lmao I really liked the colors in this collection but I don't like Rhianna enough to part with the kind of money people are reselling these things for.

Exactly... You could have snagged all of the lippies and liners for a C-note. That's outrageous. I didn't purchase ONE THING because of Rihanna's stamp, I don't even own any of her music. I just wanted the colors!


Well-known member
I saw this last night. I saw a TTT lippy go for 100 dollars. I guess this is for hardcore fans. Lmao I really liked the colors in this collection but I don't like Rhianna enough to part with the kind of money people are reselling these things for.

Exactly... You could have snagged all of the lippies and liners for a C-note. That's outrageous. I didn't purchase ONE THING because of Rihanna's stamp, I don't even own any of her music. I just wanted the colors!
Same here!


Well-known member
Y'all shouldn't be mad at the eBay seller... You should be mad at the people that fall for it and pay outrageous prices! I mean really if people weren't willing to pay those high a$& prices eBay wouldn't be a factor


Well-known member
Y'all shouldn't be mad at the eBay seller... You should be mad at the people that fall for it and pay outrageous prices! I mean really if people weren't willing to pay those high a$& prices eBay wouldn't be a factor
And truth be told, I ain't mad at them either if that's how they want to spend their money. I might think they're crazy, but I ain't mad. LOL! I get what you're saying though.


Well-known member
Y'all shouldn't be mad at the eBay seller... You should be mad at the people that fall for it and pay outrageous prices! I mean really if people weren't willing to pay those high a$& prices eBay wouldn't be a factor
True but some people have more money than sense. Then again if I were filthy rich I'd rather pay more than wait in that damn waiting room from hell. Of course if I were that rich I guess I could always hire someone to wait around in the waiting room for me.


Well-known member
I finally found a store that has Diamonds.. I had to pay $10 for freakin shipping, but at least I got it now.. Watch it start becoming available online again.. LOL.. I just couldn't take the chance - $10 extra sucks, but at least I can stop obsessing over it..

I will still stalk the online sites for it though -- I'd love to get a back up..


Well-known member
Y'all shouldn't be mad at the eBay seller... You should be mad at the people that fall for it and pay outrageous prices! I mean really if people weren't willing to pay those high a$
And truth be told, I ain't mad at them either if that's how they want to spend their money. I might think they're crazy, but I ain't mad. LOL! I get what you're saying though.
TRUE !!!! I aint trying to talk about how ANYBODY spend they money. Shoot throw it out the window for all I care... Just wait till I'm standing outside your window to receive the blessing !!! Lol


Active member
Gals and guys if anyone in ga near lenox mall wants diamonds, it's currently in lenox mall Bloomingdales, one per customer. I was surprised to see it there, unfortunately I purchase ttt off ebay for $50. Good luck everyone


Hi everybody! I'm new to this forum as of today (LOL) after reading a few posts the past week or so. I've enjoyed all of you and your passion for MAC! I love makeup in general so I wholeheartedly share your enthusiasm. Anywho, since I've been reading, I've notcied that a lot of people were unable to get certain items from the RiRi collection particularly TTT. Well in my OCDness and not wanting to deal with the rush yesterday, I called all over the US to find what I wanted and had it shipped to me. In that quest, I discovered that the MAC counter at Macys in Boise, ID has of today, 16 TTT lipsticks available. Call 208-373-6000 ext 6375 and ask for Megan. She can help you. I hope this helps and those who missed out can get it. I also have a chart of stores across the USA who still has considerable stock of other items. If you'd like that info let me know. I'm new to this so I'll get back to whomever when I can or when I figure it out! Good day to you all!
. You are awesome!


Active member
I'm not mad at ebay, I chose to purchase the ttt lipstick now, if I wait any longer chances are I will not be able to afford a higher price then I'm out of luck.


Well-known member
Julily- Yup !! Me too I'd hire someone to stand inline as well . When the new iPhone was released I heard people were paying homeless people to stand in line for them. Heck everybody gotta eat and need to get a hustle on !!!

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