RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
Well I wasn't able to get TTT
but I feel like it might pull more red. If TTT lipstick is anything close to the liner then it will pull more purple then black orchid. Regardless black orchid is gorgeous. It has these really subtle red sparkles in the tub. It's beautiful. Still so sad I missed out on TTT
awww.... i hope they restock... i hope so. many people missed out. i called nordstrom and the customer service rep was upset he couldn't even get one. i felt awful for him ..


Well-known member
Nars Train Bleu is a great alternative. I have TTT and BO and honestly, BO is easier and just prettier in my opinion.....
I am planning on getting train bleu. I saw a look on one of these forums, might have been this one, that was BO and TB combo and it was stunning


Well-known member
Nice combo! Very pretty on you.

PDF, I literally said "DAMN!" when I say your pics, just beautiful. TTT is perfect on you. Did you fill in first or just line the perimeter with TTT liner?
Thank you
I filled in first with the liner, then applied the lipstick and after that I perfected the edges with the liner. I'm going to try this with Currant too to see if it's easier to work with.


Well-known member
Nude + Stone

Ugh, Wonky mascara. Speak of the devil lol. I got overexcited at the prospect of having finally worn Nude and took the photo before applying the second coat to my right eye
...Nude looks gorgeous on you, Buick!!!!

Stone is really a perfect match!


Well-known member
My FOTD with Talk That Talk lipstick and lipliner. I also did my eyes kinda inspired by the Her Cocoa quad and used Woodwinked on the outer half of my lids. On the rest of my eyes I have Patina on the inner half of my lids, Kid in the crease as a transitioning color, Brown Down to deepen the crease and under the eyes and Blanc Type as a highlight. On my cheeks I'm wearing Hibiscus Kiss and Wisper of Guilt. I mixed both shades of HK and it actually had very good pigmentation and I love the colour. It doesn't show up in the picture, but really it's there. I'm suprized how much I like these warmer browns with a dark lip. I think I'll wear this look a lot for the fall and winter!

Fabulous, Pinkdollface

TTT looks great on you and I love the HK+WOG combo!


Well-known member
My FOTD with Talk That Talk lipstick and lipliner. I also did my eyes kinda inspired by the Her Cocoa quad and used Woodwinked on the outer half of my lids. On the rest of my eyes I have Patina on the inner half of my lids, Kid in the crease as a transitioning color, Brown Down to deepen the crease and under the eyes and Blanc Type as a highlight. On my cheeks I'm wearing Hibiscus Kiss and Wisper of Guilt. I mixed both shades of HK and it actually had very good pigmentation and I love the colour. It doesn't show up in the picture, but really it's there. I'm suprized how much I like these warmer browns with a dark lip. I think I'll wear this look a lot for the fall and winter!



Well-known member
You looking wonderful in Nude Buick!
Thank you all for your kind words

I enjoyed wearing Nude a lot. Application was flawless and I needed to touch up just once, after quite a hefty lunch. I probably would have got away without a touchup had I been a bit more, erm, dainty


Well-known member
My FOTD with Talk That Talk lipstick and lipliner. I also did my eyes kinda inspired by the Her Cocoa quad and used Woodwinked on the outer half of my lids. On the rest of my eyes I have Patina on the inner half of my lids, Kid in the crease as a transitioning color, Brown Down to deepen the crease and under the eyes and Blanc Type as a highlight. On my cheeks I'm wearing Hibiscus Kiss and Wisper of Guilt. I mixed both shades of HK and it actually had very good pigmentation and I love the colour. It doesn't show up in the picture, but really it's there. I'm suprized how much I like these warmer browns with a dark lip. I think I'll wear this look a lot for the fall and winter!

Hello gorgeous!

The entire look is amazing. Never in a million years would I have thought Patina and TTT would work so well. Not that it matters, as I didn't buy TTT


Well-known member
Man TTT is hard to work with. I'll check the thread to see if any of you have posted suggestions on how to make it easier (everytime I log in there are like 300 new posts some I'm sure I missed some lol) please tell me if you have new ideas


Well-known member
Man TTT is hard to work with. I'll check the thread to see if any of you have posted suggestions on how to make it easier (everytime I log in there are like 300 new posts some I'm sure I missed some lol) please tell me if you have new ideas :flower:
Many have said to use the blue baby lips prior to application


Well-known member
Finally got to use my haul. Riri woo on my lips with diamonds on my cheeks and a little in the centre of my lips too. So in love with Riri woo.


Well-known member
This sucks! I can't get my hands on TTT PLWLP. i just don't want to go on ebay. Does anyone know how to still get it without the crazy price?


Well-known member
My FOTD with Talk That Talk lipstick and lipliner. I also did my eyes kinda inspired by the Her Cocoa quad and used Woodwinked on the outer half of my lids. On the rest of my eyes I have Patina on the inner half of my lids, Kid in the crease as a transitioning color, Brown Down to deepen the crease and under the eyes and Blanc Type as a highlight. On my cheeks I'm wearing Hibiscus Kiss and Wisper of Guilt. I mixed both shades of HK and it actually had very good pigmentation and I love the colour. It doesn't show up in the picture, but really it's there. I'm suprized how much I like these warmer browns with a dark lip. I think I'll wear this look a lot for the fall and winter!

Just lovely PDF. TTT looks amazing on you.

Quote: Originally Posted by princessjest

Finally got to use my haul. Riri woo on my lips with diamonds on my cheeks and a little in the centre of my lips too. So in love with Riri woo.
Love it. Diamonds gives you such a pretty glow.


Well-known member
I deigned to purchase the Gigablack because I love the shade of pink, but holy shell is it crap!
What don't you like about it? I'm curious because I haven't got any MAC mascaras.
yes I'm going to have to agree with u.i love mascara but this one for me not good IMO I Tryed the one in regular packaging and I didn't like.i to like for my mascara to get a couple weeks old to thicken up but this one never did.i love mac zoom fast is love
I haven't tried the gigablack formula, but I'm obsessed with the regular black extended play! I only use it on my bottom lashes tho, but it's LOVE!!!
OMG, Diorshow is LOVE! I haven't tried any MAC mascaras yet. Umm, do you all curl your lashes before applying mascara? I just bought my first ever lash curler (don't stone me) and haven't used it yet. I never bothered before because I have really long lashes.
I curl before and after mascara. Curling after mascara is SUPER tricky and you need to be careful if doing so, but i always curl before mascara. Always.

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