RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
For those of you having patchiness issues with TTT, you could always try putting a nude matte or satin lippie under it and then applying TTT over it. I agreed earlier with the suggestion of putting TTT on over Nude to erase the patchiness, and then I tried it with over nude lippies and the results were the same (because I didn't want to waste my Nude). The only thing that sucks a little is that it doesn't have the super matte finish that it would have on its own.

Same here! I only have one Nude and I'm not gonna waste it for layering. I have plenty of nudes I don't like that much that I can use for that lol.


Well-known member
I have oily cheeks and think I will stick to my tried and true powder highlighters over creams from now on. I'm going to try and find some use for it though or see if my sister wants it.
Same here! I have super oil skin and didn't even consider how a CCB would perform on my skin type (it was my first time purchasing one). I swatched it once on myself when I got it and I LOVED it, but I just knew it was gonna slide right the hell off and be on my jawline within a few hours lol. Had to sell it


Well-known member
Buuu i have to sell my TTT seriously don't work for me And my wallet dont let me buy a liner just to make it work.
( two lipstick are better than 1 lipstick and 1 liner) jiji


Well-known member
I like it on u foreverjenn
it looks nice ! I had to use gloss on mine as well
The combinations looks lovely on you! I shall try it, thanks!
I love this combination on you! 
[COLOR=0000FF]  Awww FJ[/COLOR] :support: [COLOR=0000FF]--apparently you made it work w/OG because it looks really pretty!!![/COLOR]
Thank you ladies :heart: I have to admit that it grew on me ( the combination did). I won't wear nude by itself but I do like it with oyster girl. It makes me feel better about having spent the $ on it.


Well-known member
Hello everyone! I've been a long time lurker too shy to actually become a member plus not much of a writer but my addiction for makeup has gotten out of control it's not even funny... So it's really nice knowing that there are so many more lady's out there who share the same addiction. I'm so happy I finally have someone to share my interest with. Oh and you lady's are so funny I'm always cracking up reading ur stories and struggles that I also go through all for the love of makeup!!!
and WELCOME MAC-Obsessed!!! Glad you've stepped out of the shadows to hopefully have some fun along the makeup addiction highway!


Well-known member
Same here! I have super oil skin and didn't even consider how a CCB would perform on my skin type (it was my first time purchasing one). I swatched it once on myself when I got it and I LOVED it, but I just knew it was gonna slide right the hell off and be on my jawline within a few hours lol. Had to sell it
So sorry to hear that Misfitted. I hope you can find a powder highlighter that appeals to you.


Well-known member
wooot, so i just came back from mainland japan and got to finally see the collection, it was beautiful im glad i was able to play with it even if i could purchase becasue it was all sold out bt im happy with my purchases now i just have to wait for mine... my fav right now is diamonds it swatched so pretty! i bought it on a limb but so glad i did cant wait, praying id doesnt arrive melted but its starting to col down here in the pacific now yay!


Well-known member
My FOTD with Talk That Talk lipstick and lipliner. I also did my eyes kinda inspired by the Her Cocoa quad and used Woodwinked on the outer half of my lids. On the rest of my eyes I have Patina on the inner half of my lids, Kid in the crease as a transitioning color, Brown Down to deepen the crease and under the eyes and Blanc Type as a highlight. On my cheeks I'm wearing Hibiscus Kiss and Wisper of Guilt. I mixed both shades of HK and it actually had very good pigmentation and I love the colour. It doesn't show up in the picture, but really it's there. I'm suprized how much I like these warmer browns with a dark lip. I think I'll wear this look a lot for the fall and winter!

Awesome lips, girls! I think both colors suit you each well. TTT looks surprisingly red - not that plum - on you PDF. You both are a bit lighter (NC15ish) than me (NC20ish), right?


Well-known member
Awesome lips, girls! I think both colors suit you each well. TTT looks surprisingly red - not that plum - on you PDF. You both are a bit lighter (NC15ish) than me (NC20ish), right?
Thanks! It's not as red as FOD, but indeed it shows up quite red. I like the amount of red it has. I'm NC15, but I'm more neutral than yellow.


Well-known member
If anyone has the nude from Carine Roitfeld, it works great under these retromattes without affecting the color. See, I told you guys I'd find a use for that sucker!!


Well-known member
If anyone has the nude from Carine Roitfeld, it works great under these retromattes without affecting the color. See, I told you guys I'd find a use for that sucker!!
Tropical Mist is my fav nude. It's a real nude nude on me, just toning down my lips a bit w/ look like a corpse.


Well-known member
Same here! I have super oil skin and didn't even consider how a CCB would perform on my skin type (it was my first time purchasing one). I swatched it once on myself when I got it and I LOVED it, but I just knew it was gonna slide right the hell off and be on my jawline within a few hours lol. Had to sell it
I've never purchased one before either and had no idea how it'd work on my skin, but I just couldn't pass it up. My face is slightly less oily in winter so maybe I can get it to work when it's colder out or maybe just use it to highlight my cupid's bow or for a festive brow highlight or for inner corners? I'm sorry you had to sell your's. :(


Well-known member
Hello everyone! I've been a long time lurker too shy to actually become a member plus not much of a writer but my addiction for makeup has gotten out of control it's not even funny... So it's really nice knowing that there are so many more lady's out there who share the same addiction. I'm so happy I finally have someone to share my interest with. Oh and you lady's are so funny I'm always cracking up reading ur stories and struggles that I also go through all for the love of makeup!!!


Well-known member
I've never purchased one before either and had no idea how it'd work on my skin, but I just couldn't pass it up. My face is slightly less oily in winter so maybe I can get it to work when it's colder out or maybe just use it to highlight my cupid's bow or for a festive brow highlight or for inner corners? I'm sorry you had to sell your's. :(
I had to be realistic lol. It was either keep a highlighter I may not use (plus I have like 5 or 6 highlighters already) or nab one of those cremesheen glasses from Punk Couture lol. I felt it would make more sense to pass it on to someone who wasn't able to get it.


Well-known member
I had to be realistic lol. It was either keep a highlighter I may not use (plus I have like 5 or 6 highlighters already) or nab one of those cremesheen glasses from Punk Couture lol. I felt it would make more sense to pass it on to someone who wasn't able to get it.
I have a few highlighters too and I also think I'm trying to find excuses to keep it because it's so pretty. LOL I know deep down that in the end it will end up in my stuff to give my sister pile.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by jennifae
Same but with Who's That Chick...

Jennifae! Thank you a billion times for this FOTD!!

I didn't even give this collection a second glance because of all the excessive hype, but this photo of Who's That Chick sent me running out looking for it!! The collection launched 5 days ago and sold out pretty quickly everywhere. I had to try 6 MACs before I found one that still had this lipstick. I got there immediately and snapped up two of the three remaining ones because this is absolutely the soft natural (well, a little frosty) colour that I've been looking for... the sort of natural softness that Sushi Kiss or Flamingo looks like on paler girls. I strongly recommend this to anyone who's around NC30 to NC35. I tried it on and some lady did a double take and asked me where I found this lipstick because it was just such a pretty colour. I never buy back ups but I simply had to for this one. I just wish it came in the standard black bullet though...

Edited to include a quick photo. This is two layers of WTC. Never liked a product so much that I had to post a photo of myself on the interwebs!


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