RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
i only have 4. the shop cook ones and angel flame. well 5 plus the her cocoa. i now regret skipping the summer ones. hopefully ill find some when i go to a CCO next year
Oh geez Kimibos...I forgot about those, which I also had and de-potted. I swear I have to STOP!!!


Well-known member
I love all four of the lipsticks but the Nude has to be my favorite out of them! NC15 Complexion.

Looks really great NATlar !!! I was preoccupied when this collection launched but managed to get most of what I wanted including Nude & WTC with the recent dept store restock.


Well-known member
My WTC from Nordies just shipped. I wonder why CS would say orders are going to be cancelled. Maybe orders for TTT?

Quote: Originally Posted by LoveSpree

My WTC shipped too... They can't cancel it now, can they?
I think they only cancel when their supply is exhausted. The announcement that they had more up online caused a frenzy, and several people placed orders. Those who ordered last were subject to cancellation.


Well-known member
I always resisted the MAC quads because I have 11 full 15-eyeshadow custom MAC palettes, so you would think I have every color under the sun wouldn't you? Well I now have 11 MAC quads plus the two palettes form Archie's Girls and 9 Chanel eyeshadow quads. To add insult to too much eyeshadow injury....I just pre-ordered the Chanel quint palette from the holiday collection. I know...it's time to stop!!!

I think I hit the pet jackpot because this little dog is a dream. She's house broken, she doesn't bark and she's super playful. She can be a tad mischievous ----she unraveled an entire roll of toilet paper but I couldn't help but laugh because she's so small and was lost in the pile of TP

I take her everywhere and she loves riding in her car seat.

Oh geez Kimibos...I forgot about those, which I also had and de-potted. I swear I have to STOP!!!
This little gal has some serious cute factor! Congrats on your new addition to the family, Medgal!


Well-known member
I always resisted the MAC quads because I have 11 full 15-eyeshadow custom MAC palettes, so you would think I have every color under the sun wouldn't you? Well I now have 11 MAC quads plus the two palettes form Archie's Girls and 9 Chanel eyeshadow quads. To add insult to too much eyeshadow injury....I just pre-ordered the Chanel quint palette from the holiday collection. I know...it's time to stop!!!

I think I hit the pet jackpot because this little dog is a dream. She's house broken, she doesn't bark and she's super playful. She can be a tad mischievous ----she unraveled an entire roll of toilet paper but I couldn't help but laugh because she's so small and was lost in the pile of TP

I take her everywhere and she loves riding in her car seat.

Oh geez Kimibos...I forgot about those, which I also had and de-potted. I swear I have to STOP!!!


Well-known member
finally was able to order a BU of bggg!! even tho shipping kinda killed it, whatever. my order for her cocoa is pending still and I just need to pick up smoked cocoa at my local Macys and I am done with this collection. this is the most I've ever spent on a collection before. Rihanna better not come back to MAC next year or ima flip some chairs or something.
i agree.This is the most i evee spent on onr collection.

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