RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
WTC is up on Canada site. I was also able to get Boy and Heaux through my wishlist... but you can't find it on the site (hackers hackers)
I WIIISH I could get another Heaux and Ririboy. Yea I couldn't find it the through the site..


Well-known member
I will truly be disgusted if my order gets cancelled. I mean this is ridiculous. I am so tired of the Riri Hearts MAC drama (and my addiciton to it).
No more RiRi Hearts Fall MAC Collection drama for me either. I placed FIVE separate orders on BELK.COM over the past 10 days. Unfortunately for me, not one, not two, not three BUT FOUR orders have been cancelled. I no longer have any faith ordering online. Two of the four orders were placed Sunday at 5am. I'm curious if others who ordered from Belk Sunday got their stuff or a cancellation order $&@#. This is maddening. I am done. I am tired of this game MAC likes to play with limited quantities. Either Mac wants to make a lot of money, sell a lot of products and make everyone happy or play the BUZZ game.


Well-known member
[@]JJJewels[/@] yea it's saying they're sold out when I try to check out. Thanks for the help though!!


Well-known member
I got the lippies I need, thanks to y'all! Just hoping to grab a diamonds for a friend of mine. Hopefully they restock it soon!!


Well-known member
My friend is like"i got to be on point in December, to get ttt, ", um, ,i'm like u missed your chance, if u really wanted it, you would have been paying attention to the release times. She is no spectra.


Well-known member
This is getting kinda crazy now...
they have got to b kiddin me!

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