RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
I can't wait for this to launch as well. Too much waiting around and people get restless. Complaints about complaints, to buy lists changing too much and personally, uncertainty about which colors will be useful enough for me. Enough already. Let's get it over with, haul, complain, rave and on to the next collection.


Well-known member
I can't wait for this to launch as well. Too much waiting around and people get restless. Complaints about complaints, to buy lists changing too much and personally, uncertainty about which colors will be useful enough for me. Enough already. Let's get it over with, haul, complain, rave and on to the next collection.
This. Especiall ybaout the lists. Mine keeps expanding and contracting.


Well-known member
My list pretty stayed the same I'm getting all the lippies two liners 2 lipgloss blush and the diamonds ccb the only thing I took off was the brush.i knew this was going to be a big one for me


Well-known member
I really wish this would release already.
My ever changing list:
Riri Woo lipstick and gloss
Talk that Talk
Bad Girl Gone Good
Hibiscus Kiss (for the compact, sad I know)

And I kind of want the brushes just to say I have them....


Well-known member
I'm a bit indifferent about this collection.
The only for sure thing I want is the cocoa quad. And if there is any fiasco involved in getting it....PASS!! I would not have the patience for that.

MAYBE the nude lippie too...but I need swatches first...

But that's it!


Well-known member
My list has pretty much stayed the same. The only things that have changed is I decided not to get Hibiscus Kiss (I honestly just wanted it got the compact based off the first picture we saw, but now that I've seen more, it's not as pretty as I thought, so I'll pass), and I'm contemplating Good Girl Gone Bad. I need to see swatches first though. Anyways, my current list: Talk That Talk RiRi Woo lip liner Talk That Talk lip liner RiRi Woo lipglass Not too damaging hehe


Well-known member
So I'm hearing that there will be a blush released with this collection? I am totally eyeing the CCB And TTT lipstick. And if there is a blush, I wonder what color it is! I've been obsessing over blushes lately.
You'll find the colour story listed on the very first post.


Well-known member
This is going to be a fairly big haul for me. I'm interested in: TTT, WTC, and the nude lipstick Diamonds CCB BGGG Blush probably one of the quads Can't wait to get the goodies!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by lizzylu23
I didn't know lol and I never meant to be rude or judgmental in a bad way. I just meant to say that the drawings/design on the products look antique in a way. Maybe it all being crowded little details idk how to describe it. To me thats how I see it lol

OK, sorry.

It's just that i'm on some perfume boards, and i think there should be a variety of fragrances available for different tastes and styles and occasions. But a lot of young women characterize any fragrance from the 1990s or older as smelling like a granny or like an old lady. They say this about classics that have been around since 1919, like Chanel No. 5, or since 1921, like Shalimar. But, seriously, the fragrances with the names of the latest pop icons are not going to last 90 years. And, well, they're going to be old ladies some day... if they're lucky.

So i'm a little sensitive.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by martiangurll
I just figured I was getting old because I don't "get" music anymore. One Direction and Mylie Cyrus have no appeal for me whatsoever. Could Mylie be screaming any louder for attention? How many times did we have to watch her point to her crotch with that ginormous pointy finger? Okay, I get it, you don't just want to destroy that Disney image, girl, you want to nuke it forever, but puhleeze.

I'm kinda thinking Mylie Cyrus is a Britney Spears - type disaster waiting to happen... unless she ends up going the Lindsay Lohan route...


Well-known member
Well, i hatessss the packaging i doessss. I like rose gold, but..., well, it's all been said. Still i want some of the products...

Talk That Talk Lipstick - dark plum - erk, didn't i say i have too many plums on another board here?
Nude Lipstick - in photos i've seen it look like milk chocolate, a nice cool light-medium brown
Talk That Talk Lip Pencil - i guess with all the dark plum lipsticks i have, i need yet another dark plum liner
Diamonds Cream Color Base - soft pink beige with gold pearl


Well-known member
Well, i hatessss the packaging i doessss. I like rose gold, but..., well, it's all been said. Still i want some of the products...

Talk That Talk Lipstick - dark plum - erk, didn't i say i have too many plums on another board here?
Nude Lipstick - in photos i've seen it look like milk chocolate, a nice cool light-medium brown
Talk That Talk Lip Pencil - i guess with all the dark plum lipsticks i have, i need yet another dark plum liner
Diamonds Cream Color Base - soft pink beige with gold pearl
I have ever so same wishlists as you do.


Well-known member
im thinking i might just get the riri woo lipstick. feel like ive been waiting on this forever. i might end up hauling more for the riri hearts holiday even though i have no clue what that hell is going to be in it.
What is this Twerking I keep hearing about?
I love music and always thought I was with the "in" crowd with it, but I guess I'm not and too old also. I like my 80's/90's music. When musicians actually had talent. I'm not saying that some of these younger musicians don't, but... having to do such over the top stuff to get people(fans) to even listen to your music speaks volumes in my eyes. Anyway, I am still interested in TTT, but I really need to see a true swatch. I don't know if we have or not yet.
twerking has been around for years lol ... music just seemed to finally call it a name and i hope i dont offend anyone but anytime a person who isnt black or "urban" does any of these urban dance moves, or urban styles its like a whole big issue years after its been around. i really hate that. When i heard in the news about how bad twerking is this week i was like seriously... seriously? for years people twerking on the dance floor hasnt hurt anybody so i dont get whats the big deal.. I will say miley looked ridiculous because she was doing all that just for attention and looked like she tried so damn hard it was just sad
I like twerking for my boyfriend though I'm not going to lie lmao


Well-known member
im thinking i might just get the riri woo lipstick. feel like ive been waiting on this forever. i might end up hauling more for the riri hearts holiday even though i have no clue what that hell is going to be in it. twerking  has been around for years lol ... music just seemed to finally call it a name and i hope i dont offend anyone but anytime a person who isnt black or "urban" does any of these urban dance moves, or urban styles its like a whole big issue years after its been around. i really hate that.  When i heard in the news about how bad twerking is this week i was like seriously... seriously? for  years people twerking on the dance floor hasnt hurt anybody so i dont get whats the big deal.. I will say miley looked ridiculous because she was doing all that just for attention and looked like she tried so damn hard it was just sad  I like twerking for my boyfriend though I'm not going to lie lmao :rasta:
The disgraced foam finger. ..


Well-known member
im thinking i might just get the riri woo lipstick. feel like ive been waiting on this forever. i might end up hauling more for the riri hearts holiday even though i have no clue what that hell is going to be in it. twerking  has been around for years lol ... music just seemed to finally call it a name and i hope i dont offend anyone but anytime a person who isnt black or "urban" does any of these urban dance moves, or urban styles its like a whole big issue years after its been around. i really hate that.  When i heard in the news about how bad twerking is this week i was like seriously... seriously? for  years people twerking on the dance floor hasnt hurt anybody so i dont get whats the big deal.. I will say miley looked ridiculous because she was doing all that just for attention and looked like she tried so damn hard it was just sad  I like twerking for my boyfriend though I'm not going to lie lmao :rasta:
Why is it all of a sudden so popular right now i wonder :hmm: I've always found it disgusting. Not just now, but always, whether it's done right or wrong, by anyone. And i don't remember when i checked keek last (does anyone use that anymore :dunno: ) but people were twerking (ugh the word makes me cringe!) on the street corner and at the gas station and posting it on their keek! Way to class things up!