RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
Just finished reading it. Sounds nice but doesn't really change anything does it. Ebayers will gladly pay.to me the only difference is that we will have to pay for the same thing we are getting now. Idk maybe someone can explain it better to me, how does this change anything?
Unless it's a fundraiser for the site. Maybe? It seems like she has put a lot of work into this site over the years.


Well-known member
I might be missing something, but it seems like a small price to pay for those same "evil bayers" to have unfiltered access to the same information that most are trying to limit. I don't really see what stops them from paying for premium membership. Why not, they'll still make that back too.
I understand your concern. Since we will have registration details for the member we will be able to quickly address any users who are only looking to exploit the system.

Please keep in mind NOTHING we do will be infallible, whether it's a PM network, a closed group, or paid access. What we can do to help eliminate the unwanted element is get as much information as possible to be able to identify those persons and work to remove their access to the site.


Well-known member
Me in pleasure bomb today



Well-known member
idk if you guys read it yet but Janice has made subscriptions now so there will now be a Mac chat section where only members who PAID will get access...


prices of subscriptions are here..


I say admin makes a group and ONLY invite active "known" members. Also, the only way anyone else can get "in" is if another Speck member adds them. Sounds extreme but ahhhhh....


Well-known member
My macys (one of them), said they had 80 lipsticks. Thats probably 50 RRW, 20 PB & 10 BGRR.
Wish that was my MAC. I called them earlier today to see what the inventory was like. The SA told me that they had 15 RRW/6 PB/ 0 BGRR. WTB!!! Mind you they have to split that between both counters with in Macy's . Now Macys opens at 9am. 1 hour earlier then the mall. There's also a Pro Store in the Mall. And they don't open until 10am. Decisions, decisions... Ugh! I have a feeling that I will not have my Starbucks in hand while I'm running around. And that is NOT!!!! good. Wish me luck!


Well-known member
I'm torn. Don't know if I should or not. But if everyone migrates over there, then I may just have to. I don't want to be a lonely duck over here…All i know is discussion seems dead here and idk if everyone is there or are people sleeping like normal people? haha...
You wouldn't be lonely because I'll still be here.


Well-known member
I'm torn. Don't know if I should or not. But if everyone migrates over there, then I may just have to. I don't want to be a lonely duck over here…All i know is discussion seems dead here and idk if everyone is there or are people sleeping like normal people? haha...
well, you wont be alone I'll be here.


Well-known member
I say admin makes a group and ONLY invite active "known" members. Also, the only way anyone else can get "in" is if another Speck member adds them. Sounds extreme but ahhhhh....

Then that goes totally against what Janice posted in the first place


Well-known member
It's ok doll! I'll still cheat you her with you! Afterall, you cheated on [@]Medgal07[/@] with me! :naughty: Yuppers! You can get Moxie right here! http://www.maccosmetics.com/product/2223/26828/Products/Lips/Lip-Kits-and-Bags/MAC-Antonio-Lopez-3-Lips-Fuchsia/index.tmpl And here's a comparison of PB and Moxie
Girl!! I love that watch :) PB, Moxie


Well-known member
i like the reasoning behind janice's idea and totally respect it... however, i personally will not pay to be apart of a discussion board. i find that going too far, i can spend my money on something better. there's no way to get rid of evilbayers and prevent them from knowing just as much as anyone. i think its just about being smart and using your instincts.

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