RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)

honey on boost

Well-known member
Just got this picture from my fiancé! I am sooo happy. My sister gave him the info to another macys with tons in stock. She felt so bad she couldn't get them for me.
excuse his "fabricator" hands he won't let me give him a manicure :haha:


Well-known member
How'd you do? Did you get everything you wanted?
I did..i ended up going to macys instead....funny thing is noone in the line knew it would be released there, Nordstrom or bloomingdales... Macy's was the closest store to Mac & it opened a hour before all the other stores

honey on boost

Well-known member
Hey ladies! New to post here. I went out this morning to a local Macy's and only ending up scoring BGRR and RRW when I went out basically to only get PB. The girl in front of my online (I was like 7th?) scored the last PB.
Go figure! I think they had less than 10 of each.

Is anyone interested in BGRR that would want to swap for a PB? I'm not crazy about BGRR since its a tad dark for my liking.

So weird how some macy's got very little and others got PLENTY. It must depend on the sales in your area.


Well-known member
i was able to get my lippies and lippies for my other friends!! I'm happy. and i met a fellow spectra there @chinablaq = Girl I ran out of there I didn't even get to say bye. lol I was trying to see if I can buy more lipsticks lmao.


Well-known member
I did..i ended up going to macys instead....funny thing is noone in the line knew it would be released there, Nordstrom or bloomingdales... Macy's was the closest store to Mac & it opened a hour before all the other stores
Nice move!! Now enjoy the holidays!!!


Well-known member
Well I'm raising hell. I got to Macy's 45 minutes before the store opened to see a line. I was 10th. Walk in, they had a ropes set up to make sure everyone remained in order. One girl rushed to the counter in attempt to cut everyone to only be told there's a line. #FAIL. But PB sold out 2 people ahead of me. BGRR, seems like there wasn't even a chance. Mind you there were at least 15 people behind me @9A. How do you sell out before 10 people?! So I walked out empty handed. I'm calling MAC corporate now. I already called Macy's allocation. She said they didn't put it on the site because inventory of it was limited and they didn't want to over sell on the web. This collection is way more limited than the prior. It's holiday, I would think you would want to produce more being that it would be ideal as gifts, not less.
MAC and their hype machine man.


Well-known member
After I went to Mac and got my goodies I ended up walking by Nordstroms & Macys & it was a mad house! There were girls running from Nordstroms to Macys hoping they still had the lipsticks they were looking for. The Fall release was not as crazy. One girl was looking at me like she was sizing me up.....I had a Mac bag.....maybe she thought I was going in to get more??? I don't know but I got out if there lol. Mac needs to stop sending limited supply, this is just ridiculous.


Well-known member
After I went to Mac and got my goodies I ended up walking by Nordstroms & Macys & it was a mad house! There were girls running from Nordstroms to Macys hoping they still had the lipsticks they were looking for. The Fall release was not as crazy. One girl was looking at me like she was sizing me up.....I had a Mac bag.....maybe she thought I was going in to get more??? I don't know but I got out if there lol. Mac needs to stop sending limited supply, this is just ridiculous.
that sounded like a zombie apocolpyse movie scene!


Well-known member
Man, this thread moves fast! My RiRi stuff should arrive today from Nordies. I'm excited! I think I'll wear BGRR to watch The Hobbit tonight. Good luck to all Specktra ladies braving the stores today. I hope you get everything on your list! Happy hauling!
Enjoy The Hobbit! Can't wait to see it Saturday!


Well-known member
Sorry I am just catching up on last night's posts. This is my absolute favorite drink! How do you make it at home? I need to do this too!


Well-known member
I'm headed to my Macy's counter in a little bit, and then my Pro store. If my SAs at both locations managed to set aside what they said they would, then I may have extra lippies.

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