RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
Me!!!!! I just posted the same thing
Guuurrrl, us outsiders gotta stick together, lol. It's been a long day at work and my one glass of wine is kicking in. I can't deal with all this riri nonsense! I did it for the fall collection and I'm done. Saving my energy for PC!!!!


Well-known member
The eyeliner swatches totally did me in -- I got the last 2 liners from my store!
Thank you, @sweetie for offering to help a sister out. Members like you make Specktra so awesome.
Yay!!! I'm so glad that you got what you wanted. Anytime that I can help I will be happy to do it. I'm still in your debt!


Well-known member
Wow a lot was going on in this thread (didn't read it all, I hate reading, lol). Everybody looks sooo hot in their lippies!

Congrats to misfitted on your pregnancy!

And a HUGE thank you to the specktra member that sent me her extra lipsticks.

Its all love!



Well-known member
You're freaking awesome! That is all.
As was the idea, I do have a few PB and BGRR left . Anyone that feels they have exhausted all possible options may send me a pm. My phone is now dying and I am out so may not be able to respond for an hour.


Well-known member
I decided to skip the Riri madness but now I wish I would have tried a little harder to get at least PB.. Some people are really upset though and attacking others on IG for buying multiples. I don't like it either but I'm not gonna call em out! Lol. I'm gonna try to go to the closest MAC counter tmrw, my counters usually don't sell out of LE for a few days after but who knows with Riri.


Well-known member
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who did their best to help me get this Pleasure Bomb lipstick. Especially Debbs, you rock!!! An excellent Specktra ambassador. Maybe I will be able to help someone else like you all helped me this time around. I will post a picture when I receive it ^.^


Well-known member
If anyone knows of cockiness or pisces being restocked, please let me know/PM me where I can still get them. I regret not getting them at the store today, total fail. :(


Well-known member
Is there anybody out there besides me that decided to skip this collection? I had originally planned taking the morning off and going in to get PB but something just kep holding me back. I actually forgot all about it today. Maybe I just don't find PB and BGRR all that unique...or maybe I've just gone damn crazy?
I planned on it. Until a couple days ago when it launched online and my fear of missing out kicked in. :eek:hboy: and I ended up with all 3 lipsticks.


Well-known member
*~*I just caught up with the thread, and all I can say is wow...I cannot believe the clusterfu*k this launch turned into!!! Smh From MAC letting some people purchase multiples (and thus, selling out of the lipsticks in minutes), to near fights?? Really, MAC?? They knew this launch (all RiRi launches) were going to be hectic, and with as much time as they have had to prepare, why wasn't there more consistency/order?? Did they learn nothing from the Fall launch? Then, to top it off, Macy's didn't even put BGRR or PB on their website?? That makes no sense to me (especially since not everyone lives near a counter where they can purchase in store). I hope that MAC re-stocks this collection not only in stores, but online as well. Both RiRi and MAC get the ETERNAL side eye...*~*


Well-known member
Wow! This thread is moving! Happy to report that I was first in line and got what I wanted---mind you, I was 1/2 hour early and soon there was a serious line behind me. When the doors opened it was madness! Thank goodness I know the girls and they took me right to the counter. Am LOVING PB! Well worth the drama for this baby!

You all look gorgeous in your pics! So glad so be able to share in the lipstick loving!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Britneyc07

*~*Oh no!! Have you contacted MAC?? I believe they keep extras on hand for things like this...hopefully they replace this for you (and quickly).*~*
I posted earlier that the same thing happened to me. A MAC sup called me and left a message that they are trying to get me a replacement. I was so hurt. Ugh


Well-known member
I decided to skip the Riri madness but now I wish I would have tried a little harder to get at least PB.. Some people are really upset though and attacking others on IG for buying multiples. I don't like it either but I'm not gonna call em out! Lol. I'm gonna try to go to the closest MAC counter tmrw, my counters usually don't sell out of LE for a few days after but who knows with Riri.
Yea, I saw someone trying to sell PB and BGRR for 45-50 dollars. Smh.

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