RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
See. I knew you'd come through. :bouquet:
It was the first thing i thought of when you asked!
The eyeliner swatches totally did me in -- I got the last 2 liners from my store! Thank you, @sweetie for offering to help a sister out. Members like you make Specktra so awesome. :cheer:
Your comment to me disappeared but thanks! :blush:
Site acting wonky on me.
Same here. It is for everyone.
I still wasnt able to get bgrr my counter only had 3. Anybody wanna swap TTT??
Make sure all swaps are posts in the CB, and not in the Discussion Threads. Thanks.


Well-known member
Hey ladies, I'm a new to the site, I hope all you ladies are able to get all your goodies tomorrow!
Hi There AJ---hope you were able to get what you wanted too!
Quote: Originally Posted by shontay07108

Whoops. Missed this post. It shows up beautifully. The white one, however is a big no no.

I swung by Nordstroms and PB was gone and they had 1 BGRR left. That was 20 minutes after they opened (they didn't open until 10). I heard one MUA tell the other that one lady on the phone got pissed b/c she wanted to order over the phone for a bachelorette party, but that's not allowed. They only had one nail polish left. Amazing that's selling because it's not special at all.

At Bloomingdales all the lipsticks were gone. I know they opened at 8.

Also, I missed all the craziness last night I see w/ do we or do we not announce where the collection has popped up. Just glancing over the nonsense b/c I'm tired of it, I saw something about we shouldn't pm each other information. Excuse me, what?
You can say that there should be certain rules for the forum, but pm's are pm's for a reason. Otherwise, what's the point of having that option. That just made me laugh.
If I see you're in my area and I can facilitate your desired purchase, I'm reaching out---so shoot me.


Well-known member
Speaking of Bloomingdales, I called them on Tuesday asking if they had the collection in stock, a rep named "Lisa" answered and said yes they do. She asked me what I wanted and I told her BGRR, and she said, "well, the collection releases on Thursday, but if you want, we can take down your information and you can call back at 9 AM on Thursday and we can pay over the phone for you" She said she would put them aside with my information, so it can be kept for me (I knew they didn't allow this, but I also know some MAC counters have different rules)
So on the day of the release, today, I call the same counter and I am told, "sorry, we don't do that, we're not allowed, and there is nobody named Lisa. Have a nice day" AND THEY HANG UP.
Now I did not let this go because I gave this bitch "Lisa" my name, last name, address, credit card info, and phone number, and apparently she doesn't exist now. So I call back and another lady answers and I ask for Lisa again, and I hear, "Oh, okay, hey LISA --" then I am put on hold. THREE FUCKING TIMES.

then finally I get another "Thank you for calling Bloomingdales MAC this is _____ how can I help you?" and I ask for Lisa again and they go, "OH, yeah, she's here, but she's not a MAC rep. she says she has your name and last name and thats it."

I fucking hate that place now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Uptownbackinit

Here is BGRR. It runs almost like MLBB.

PB! Excuse my sloppy application.

Debating on going back for Cockiness. My hubby is out shopping I should have him see if there are any more left.

You look amazing and your eyes are just gorgeous!


Well-known member
That screams credit card theft. Keep a very close eye on your credit card statements, because this smells very fishy to me.


Well-known member
Even though I said I was passing on this collection , I just had to go in the store and check things out and guess what....... I passed on the entire collection. I swatched the two lippies and I felt nothing was special About them to me. I'm so glad I didn't order online prior to checking these out because I was not Wowed !!!
Same here...
I am so completely over it.. Ppl giving out the secrets and all in the fb groups.... Its time this place is private
Oh... this has already been put into place!
I just saw a girl on instagram with 27 lipstick from the collection.
Lmao! Sadly, she is about to make a GRIP!


Well-known member
I don't know, that just made me feel so uncomfortable, and whats worse is that they never put me through to their manager. I called, asked for the manager, and she put me on hold, then I went straight to said managers answering machine. Twice. Wtf.


Well-known member
your avatar pic is gorgeous


Im sorry that happened to you. i witness something like that go down today when i was in line at a mac counter in macys.
There were 3 BGRR and 2 were sold and when the 3rd person asked for it, the SA said "im sorry we're sold out"
The customer said "if yall had three and only 2 were sold to the 2 ladies in front of me then how can it be sold out"
The SA explained that someone called in and did a phone order and it had been paid for. Well the customer went off and asked the manager if they are allowed to do that and the manager said "no, we do not allow that and she knows that"
So the SA had to go and take the BGRR out of the bag that was suppose to be for the phone order and sell it to that customer.
i can only imagine the response of the person who made the phone order was to receiving the news that the lipstick she paid for and was excited to get to was basically ripped out of her hands.

But if that is not allowed, then they should strictly enforce it. Not only because that is unprofessional, but now the person who thought they had their lippies in the bag didnt bother to go out or call anywhere else because they thought they were done stalking this riri mess. SMH.


Well-known member
I don't know, that just made me feel so uncomfortable, and whats worse is that they never put me through to their manager. I called, asked for the manager, and she put me on hold, then I went straight to said managers answering machine. Twice. Wtf. 
Off topic, but did anyone see the pre made 15 pan palettes in the store? One is warm (neutrals, browns) and one is cool (blues, purples, grays). Both palettes have new colors and MAC permanents. I want them!
I would love to see it
You guys won't believe what JUST HAPPENED. I had been calling like ALLLLLLLLL the stores this past week and well one of the associates just called me (not even expected!!) She told me she had been constantly been looking for stock in the collection in "their" system and she finally saw PB and BGRR in stock. I couldnt refuse! Even though I am having mine shipped from bloomies already, she placed another order for me. Ummm, if I can't find anyone to give this to in my family...i'll gladly sell it to u guys here!  I am just amazed at how nice she was!!! I didn't ask her to call me or anything!
thats crazy! I cant believe they did that!


Well-known member
your avatar pic is gorgeous


Im sorry that happened to you. i witness something like that go down today when i was in line at a mac counter in macys.
There were 3 BGRR and 2 were sold and when the 3rd person asked for it, the SA said "im sorry we're sold out"
The customer said "if yall had three and only 2 were sold to the 2 ladies in front of me then how can it be sold out"
The SA explained that someone called in and did a phone order and it had been paid for. Well the customer went off and asked the manager if they are allowed to do that and the manager said "no, we do not allow that and she knows that"
So the SA had to go and take the BGRR out of the bag that was suppose to be for the phone order and sell it to that customer.
i can only imagine the response of the person who made the phone order was to receiving the news that the lipstick she paid for and was excited to get to was basically ripped out of her hands.

But if that is not allowed, then they should strictly enforce it. Not only because that is unprofessional, but now the person who thought they had their lippies in the bag didnt bother to go out or call anywhere else because they thought they were done stalking this riri mess. SMH.
It is funny. I called one of my macys last night and asked a rep if I can order over the phone for the launch and she says yes, but when I called this morning and asked the same question, a lady told me no. Reps should take full responsibility and blame for the way they handle this launches sometimes. If its your store policy to not accept over the phone purchases, why accept them?!
Jeez, its better to deny somebody over the phone than in person, you might meet a crazy person one day and get embarrassed over something simple as following the damn rules.


Well-known member
Just got back from vacation and I'm sad I ended up missing the lipsticks my mac is sold out I'm shocked!! @erine1881 I'll be messaging you later about the other thing!! If anyone bought extras message me! Well not if you're charging $30 each lol


Well-known member
Just got back from vacation and I'm sad I ended up missing the lipsticks my mac is sold out I'm shocked!! @erine1881 I'll be messaging you later about the other thing!! If anyone bought extras message me! Well not if you're charging $30 each lol
I was wondering where u were lol. Im sure u will get them soon! Hope u enjoyed ur vaca

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