RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF] [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Very, very lovely[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]my Luvlydee.  You'll get a lot of use out of TF Wicked w/these lippies!  [/COLOR]
Thank you so much. Funny thing is that I PMd you before seeing this lol


Well-known member
Off topic but can someone tell me what's so great about the naked3? I've nvr seen those palettes before and keep seeing them on Instgram today
Ok ladies I broke down and brought the naked 3... Tried the colors on in stores and I'm in love!!!


Well-known member
Sooo my Nordstrom package with my Pleasure Bomb is supposed to be delivered today - UPS says it's "on time," but the tracking doesn't say it's out for delivery yet! I hate UPS so much. I have one package that's just been sitting in Dallas since Tuesday when I live 20 minutes away! Just let me come pick it up from you then, damn.
I feel your UPS-hating vibe. Don't they know I need my package now? I realize I'm crazy and hate to wait for anything, but damnit, deliver my packages. That's all I want. Oh and I've had some luck saying I'll pick it up from the facilty. Just call and be firm.

Good luck! I hope you get them today!!


Well-known member
I wore Cockiness liner this morning to stroll through the mall. I love it so much I couldn't stop myself from going into Mac and buying another. All the lipsticks at this store (a different mall from the one I went to yesterday) are gone. I noticed a MUA took down a girls name and number because she said she's expecting another shipment. :dunno: The lighter eyeshadow palette was gone, but everything else was there. Oh and damn that makeup bag drawing me in again. I almost caved, but I stayed strong.


Well-known member
If it's any consolation, Maybelline Vivid Rose and Pleasure Bomb appear to at least be close in color.
L-R: Pleasure Bomb vs. Vivid Rose


Well-known member
I swatches the gold liner, Cockiness, on my hand yesterday morning at the MAC store at 10 AM, and over 100+ hand washes and 2 showers later, I still have remnants of it left.


Well-known member
They're very close in color. The texture of the Vivid appears to have more sheen.
Yeah, Vivid Rose isn't matte at all. It does stain the lips, so blotting the lips may make it matte-ish...but if you're like me, there's nothing like the real thing.


Well-known member
I just tried on my lippies I don't like the way PB looks on me. It's giving me Pink Pigeon vibes & that lippie looks horrible on me. I am seriously in love with BGRR! :eyelove: it's the light pink/MLBB color I've been looking for. I would've posted swatches but I got a little upper lip peach fuzz that won't get waxed off until tomorrow so maybe I'll post some then.


Well-known member
Gorgeous! How long do you have to wait for the liner to dry?
sso i wore it out last night and the formula is really wierd. you have to wait probably a minute for it todry. so i cant completely open my eyes or it will transfer. also i fyou layer it too much it can flake off and look crusty. it lasts super well though it doesnt come off at all without makeup remover.


Well-known member
Just grabbed Cockiness from Macy's in NYC. Between the 3 counters in that store everything else is still available besides the nail lacquer, PB, and BGRR.

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