RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)

Love, Rihanna Bronzing Powder
Swatches of Eye Palette : MAC 2x Dare Veluxe

Swatches of Eye Palette - MAC Phresh Out Veluxe

Lipstick Swatches from Left To Right : Pleasure Bomb, Bad Girl RIRI, Riri Woo


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Life. Is. Complete. (minus viva glam 2014)

Ah! So awesome!


Well-known member
My backup of BGRR just arrived and in perfect condition. So glad I backed it up because I wore it all day today and it's amazing.


Well-known member
Ya at this point.. i am praying this isn't one of the reasons why these folks on instagram has a thousand and 1 lipsticks to sell.. you know what i mean.. i don't understand why my shipment says it checked in at 10am yesterday and then 24 hrs later.. there is some kind of exception.. weather conditions.. I would be kinda ok if it was in okc and said weather conditions into dallas back on the 10th.. hell even the 11th.. but it made it in and had 2 stops!!!! no excuse... and im mad the online chat is unavailable
That's what I don't get! So the weather conditions were fine enough for it to make it to ft worth but not fine enough to go from ft worth to arlington. Dumb! I'm sooo annoyed.


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Love, Rihanna Bronzing Powder
What foundation shade are you? Im NW45/47 I'm debating getting the bronzer. Is that swatch of the overspray alone; the regular bronzer alone; or combined? I'm trying to get a feel of if the color payoff is going to be good after the overspray is gone?


Well-known member
I'm praying I love my bgrr I think I read somewhere this one was riri favorite one.I never saw a pic with her with this one on.i think she looked fly with nude on.my love for nude is pure love I almost done with my first one already


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Sad to hear everyone's struggles yesturday :( I was very lucky yesturday and for me this launch was the easiest release!! Hardest part was getting mine and my hubby's butt up at 6am to get ready and drive 40 mins which turn into 1hr due to traffic! We choose to drive further to another mall which had multiple Mac counters we figured it would be a Better chance to get the lippes. We were the first and only ones at Macy's around 8am then a miracle happend and they open the doors 15 mins early!!! we were in and out in 5mins so at 855am walked over to the Mac store and i guess ppl didnt kkow that they were open at 9am cuz there were only 6 ppl in line so we were lucky again and got all 3 lips for my sisters Xmas gifts. I left the mall feeling like a boss!!! Lol I am so glad I'm done with riri and won't have to be stalking anymore now I can just focus on getting my hands on puck couture. I'll have to do it on my own now since the hubby already told me he will not miss work again for my sick addiction. ;( lol


Well-known member
Wore Bad Girl RiRi today and paired it with NYX Rose Brown lip liner and I loved it. The only thing is in my opinion this lipstick is a dupe for taupe and I have that too! Still happy I was able to get my hands on this and pleasure bomb especially to complete my collection.

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