RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
Listening to Dedan tolbert show on Blogtalk radio. Still up. Crazy but what the hell. I got nothing to lose.


Well-known member
I'm calling it a night so I can wake up and get this over with. Good luck to you girlies staying up, and to those going to the stores/counters.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Brooklynbella6

Im an nc50 it does not really show up on my skin 

I'm NW45 and if it does not show up on me I will gladly pay the 4 dollars to send it back.


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PB, Moxie
Two-timing trollops all over the place


Well-known member
I'm nervous and can't sleep
... I just bought a bunch of xmas candy & cookies from London Drugs because it's free shipping day.


Well-known member
the only thing keeping me up is I drank 4 cups of tea with caffeine. Normally go to bed at 2:00 am. Guess I will do the reverse today.


Well-known member
I want to wish you guys, that are going to MAC later in the morning, good luck on getting your goodies safely and please stay warm w/ a hot beverage in hand :)


Well-known member
just got off work.. 9am-1am, awesome LOL. dont ever be an accountant. just wanted to pop in and wish you ladies staying up good luck!!! same to those of you going into the store tomorrow.

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