RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
I'm done with this company
I agree with you. Once I get Heroine, I am done with Mac. I am convinced that Mac doesn't give a @&$? About its customers. I've been wearing Mac since 1996 and it did not use to be like this. It's sad. All of the nice colors are limited. Each store gets 4-5 lipstick/blush knowing that at least 50-100 people in that city probably want the item. I wish they would conduct customer surveys after each purchase and then maybe they would get the message that their customers do not appreciate how they operate and do business.


Well-known member
I can not wait for this collections to be over with. MAC was so foul to their consumers.
Totally agree with you, all I want is two lipsticks, it's not like i want to steal them. I literally want to pay them for something they sell, why don't you want to sell it to me Mac :( !
I am debating wether I should go to the store to pick up the lippies, I am so tired and hoping they restock online :(


Well-known member
Glad I went to sleep! Looks like what I want was never posted anywhere last night. Off to the store I go !!!


Well-known member
what happened all night? were there any restocks? macys only shows riri woo...looks like it didn't go well.


Well-known member
I'm sitting here in the food court watching them put riri's display pic up & I'm looking like this -.-


Well-known member
Yesss!! I got BGRR and PB, the MAC let me and another lady in early. Good luck to those still trying to get it today!


Well-known member
I'm at my macys. My friend is the first in line but there is someone behind him. He's been outside for an hour. Good thing he's holding my place and I get to stay toasty in the car. I'm just here to swatch the bronzer I got everything else I wanted. I thought of picking up the lippies to sell to someone who missed out but the drama has me like IDK. Glad this will be over with soon. Good luck getting what you want ladies!


Well-known member
Just woke up, thought I missed the restock but looks like we've been trolled. Damn. Good luck everyone going in store today.

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