Well-known member
LMAO I would have face palmed that bitch!!! Do not touch the merch crazy!!!

LMAO I would have face palmed that bitch!!! Do not touch the merch crazy!!!
Exactly...me too.I've found so many "limited edition" lipsticks from Chanel just by browsing the counter. That's the way it should be.
I most certainly agree!Ummmm...not to single anyone specific out, and please no flames, but why is it okay for certain folks here to order like 6+ of each color lipstick? How is that fair to all those that always seem to miss out on these limited edition items? I mean, I get that some are CP's and some are BU's or whatever but MAC can't tell the difference between those people and ebay folks ordering to resell at outrageous prices. Which is why I can appreciate that they at least tried to limit items this release in an attempt to make things more fair. Granted they did a terrible job of it, and a lot of customers have the right to be angry, but I do understand what they were trying to do. Just my thoughts, not trying to start any debates. It all just feels a bit hypocritical sometimes.hboy:
Lmaooo i would whack the person also. I saw the video and she was in the middle of singing and the fan would not let go of her arm. Like what can u really do at the point?? Lmao She always shows up late apparently. When i went to her concert i almost fell asleep waiting for that heaux lmaoDid anyone see the incident about Rihanna's concert. A fan pulled on her arm, trying to grab her and Rihanna whacked the fan with her microphone. No offense to Rihanna fans on the boards but I'm kind of glad I didn't get her lipstick now. Lol According to the news, She also showed up 2 hours late to the concert. Hmmm...
I have to say I feel this way too...I very rarely buy backups, but when I do, it's usually one 1 extra, not 4 or 5. On the other hand, for those who love a specific product in a LE collection, the frustration of something not being available regularly is highly understandable also. It's a tough situation for MAC lovers to be in.Ummmm...not to single anyone specific out, and please no flames, but why is it okay for certain folks here to order like 6+ of each color lipstick? How is that fair to all those that always seem to miss out on these limited edition items? I mean, I get that some are CP's and some are BU's or whatever but MAC can't tell the difference between those people and ebay folks ordering to resell at outrageous prices. Which is why I can appreciate that they at least tried to limit items this release in an attempt to make things more fair. Granted they did a terrible job of it, and a lot of customers have the right to be angry, but I do understand what they were trying to do.
Just my thoughts, not trying to start any debates. It all just feels a bit hypocritical sometimes.
My sentiments exactly.Buy your BU all you want and as many as you want! Its your money and if someone else misses out, oh well. Tough cookies!
The only people I know who have said that they ordered more than 3 ordered them To help other people. If that's what they are doing to help other people then so be it. But in a situation where you going into a sale Blind and not aware of how you will or will not like a lipstick, sometimes I can see why people will do that bc if they end up making it a HG for them then how will they do that with how this process has gone? For me to think that the person who bought 8 Is why I don't get one or anyone is absurd. But I do disagree with people buying just to eBay but really what else can you do?Ummmm...not to single anyone specific out, and please no flames, but why is it okay for certain folks here to order like 6+ of each color lipstick? How is that fair to all those that always seem to miss out on these limited edition items? I mean, I get that some are CP's and some are BU's or whatever but MAC can't tell the difference between those people and ebay folks ordering to resell at outrageous prices. Which is why I can appreciate that they at least tried to limit items this release in an attempt to make things more fair. Granted they did a terrible job of it, and a lot of customers have the right to be angry, but I do understand what they were trying to do. Just my thoughts, not trying to start any debates. It all just feels a bit hypocritical sometimes.hboy:
Aww thats nice! I rarely back something up but when i do its something that i know i cant find anywhere else lol. (Like riri woo) i only got 2 but i might have to make a trip to times square to get more. That has become my #1 red. If i do get more without being sure if i like it its because the hype is too big and i dont want my friends missing out because theyre not like me and check to see whats coming out and on top of makeup releases like that. So when they mention it to me like omg theres a lipstick that came out 2 weeks ago and i aint know and i be like i got u! Better they pay retail price from me or inflated prices on ebay. Cuz lets be real if u dont get as many as u want the ebayers will and then everyone will be assed out cuz we all gotta pay inflated prices instead of trying to swap or buy it from each other lolI also dip into my backups for pick-me-up gifts like when girlfriends lost jobs etc.
This is a great idea. I think that would save everyone the wasted time & stress. You should go to MAC about this!!!I have to say I feel this way too...I very rarely buy backups, but when I do, it's usually one 1 extra, not 4 or 5. On the other hand, for those who love a specific product in a LE collection, the frustration of something not being available regularly is highly understandable also. It's a tough situation for MAC lovers to be in.
Honestly, and call me crazy if you'd like, I think MAC should change their launch model to something like this...when launching an LE collection, they should not have a limited amount of stock available, but a limited amount of TIME to order stock. For example, a collection launches and customers have a 2 week timeframe to order an item. Once orders start coming in and are processed, start shipping them immediately, and if the first batch of stock happens to run out, allow back order to be available until the timeframe is up for the collection. Saves us from the dreaded SOLD OUT notice on the page and allows everyone to have a chance at ordering what they want without planning their day around a launch schedule, frantic that stock will sell out within a mere hour.
Feel free to critique my idea, I just think something like this would be better for everyone...customers get their product and MAC makes more money in the end.![]()
This is a very good idea!
I had the MAC site open in another tab and I just saw it refreshing so I thought perhaps the collection was up - it was just logging me out. Haha.
I don't know about anyone else here but between myself and Hubster I have 8 nieces. Only 2 are of working age and are into makeup but do not make enough money to buy cosmetics. But I do. So if I want to treat them and buy the whole damn stock, I should be able to without anyone giving me a hard time about it. Yeah ok MAC cannot tell the difference between me and an Evilbayer but that isn't my problem. Also I should be able to buy BU's of my HG lipstick that happens to be in demand, oh well not my problem. This is the problem with MAC. Limited Edition is NOT the same thing as Limited Quantity. No other brand seems to have this problem, now why is that?
So now we shouldn't buy backups because someone else personally doesn't do that? :huh: I buy BU's ALL the time, not of everything, but certain things that I find I love on myself.
I'm on team "spend your money how you want to." Sorry but if I'm up all night stalking the MAC site for a collection while you're sleeping nice and cozy I deserve to buy as much as I want and I really do not give one single care that you missed out. That's your fault. Everyone has their own reasons for buying multiples, and they don't have to explain themselves to anyone except maybe their hubby if they happened to use his card to buy them lolOhhh lawd... I just think when it comes to backups, how many you buy...it's a personal choice and just because you might not personally do it doesn't mean others shouldn't. I don't always buy BUs but if I want to, there's nothing wrong with it. First come, first serve... Blame mac for making so little not your fellow consumers
really? I went there a couple of weeks ago and they told me they didn't have anymore.I went back to the Mac Times Square store last week (an unexpected trip b/c I actually hate going over there) and they still have 2 boxes of RRW. It's available online still, so whatever, but I wonder when they'll finally unload all of it or what they'll do if they can't. I bought four of them and I don't feel bad about it one bit.