RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
I got my goodies delivered at 3pm Monday. The sad part.. I live in Miami, but I was in Atlanta at the time of delivery. Fast forward to 11pm and I was finally back in FL. I ran home and grabbed my lil black box from the door. I was expecting RiRi soup. It's been hotter than Hades in the MIA the last few days. I get it inside and open up the boxes. Everything is Ok!!!! Now I can rest easy. I'm still going to put them in the fridge for a few hours before swatching though.


Well-known member
Not enjoying it myself. At least it's sitting in the doom and gloom of SSF waiting to be delivered tomorrow :/ probably won't melt...
SSF, as in South City? I know what you mean about the gloomy weather being in our favour. It's been pretty crumby the past couple of days up here. I'm just hoping the weather wasn't too hot and sunny in between Washington, Illinois, and Kentucky.


Well-known member
Finally got around to swatching all of these (wore Heaux already). Top to bottom: Heaux, RiRi Woo, & RiRi Boy (the decapitated victim also shown moments before it broke completely off). I have to apply RRB with a brush since it's broken. I am tired of waiting for MAC to come up with a resolution so I decided to try it. They'll have to replace it or refund me
Wait til you hear back from CC (if you even do), but if they let you keep it, scoop out the innerds and pop em in a sample cup or in your kit. Then stick the broken part (if its the entire top portion) into the tube. It only gives you a bit to work with, but at least it'll be in the tube again.


Well-known member
i get my LIPPIES tomorrow :)

kinda scared tho they sat here in tucson all day where-ever they keep it in 100 degree weather :( praying there not broken


Well-known member
Not enjoying it myself. At least it's sitting in the doom and gloom of SSF waiting to be delivered tomorrow :/ probably won't melt...
South San Francisco? Mine has been sitting there since Sunday! My package is probably with yours then! They changed my delivery to tomorrow instead of Weds. I'm sure the UPS guy would have a lot of those boxes tomorrow!


Well-known member
i got mine today! but my Riri Boy looks like it's broken at the base, i see a line / crack and i think if i try to use it it'll break! WAHH emailed Canadian CS we'll see what they say


Well-known member
i got mine today! but my Riri Boy looks like it's broken at the base, i see a line / crack and i think if i try to use it it'll break! WAHH emailed Canadian CS we'll see what they say
Hopefully the CS in Canada is much better about broken items! I'm nervous getting mine in the US with so many coming broken D:


Well-known member
SSF, as in South City? I know what you mean about the gloomy weather being in our favour. It's been pretty crumby the past couple of days up here. I'm just hoping the weather wasn't too hot and sunny in between Washington, Illinois, and Kentucky.
Yep south San Francisco where my lipstick is being held hostage pending delivery tomorrow from ups heh. I love Bay Area weather generally but the rain always puts me in a funk.


Well-known member
I'm expecting a delivery later this morning. I won't believe it until it's in my hot little hands.

No call back yet from a CS supervisor AND the authorizations have not dropped off in PayPal, so I'll be making a couple of calls later today.


Well-known member
      [COLOR=0000FF]     Beautiful BFE!!!  They all suit you really well!!![/COLOR]
Thank you Medgal!
Wait til you hear back from CC (if you even do), but if they let you keep it, scoop out the innerds and pop em in a sample cup or in your kit. Then stick the broken part (if its the entire top portion) into the tube. It only gives you a bit to work with, but at least it'll be in the tube again.
If they let me keep it I will definitely do that.
GORGEOUS, butterflyeyes :bigheart: Hopefully they will replace your damaged RRB soon!
Thank you MACina


Well-known member
MAC CS finally called me back about my cancelled order (shouldn't have been cancelled) and the guy proceeded to tell me I had reached my 4 item limit. I hadn't. I had already gone through this with the first CS rep and her supervisor and a different supervisor was supposed to call me about it. The new supervisor must've not even looked at the notes. Anyways, he ended up putting me on the "we'll see if we can reinstate you order" list. Supposed to hear back in 48-72 hours. I won't hold my breath. What a messssss this has all been. Supposed to get one order tomorrow, lets see what comes lol!
I am sorry, Brttbby. I am in a similar situation. It's been a week since MAC took my money for all my cancelled orders. I am waiting to hear back about whether they will reinstate my cancelled order. So, after reading so many posts about problems being sent up via supervisors to MAC HQ without timely resolutions, it's clear that no one at MAC is accountable for this kind of issue, or has the authority to make an executive decision about how to fix these problems. I can picture them bouncing around a list of screwed over longtime customers, with executives saying, "That's not my problem." MAC HQ should have ONE person that is accountable for building brand loyalty. It's sad that it has been one week and they are leaving longtime customers like us hanging.


Well-known member
I got my goodies delivered at 3pm Monday. The sad part.. I live in Miami, but I was in Atlanta at the time of delivery. Fast forward to 11pm and I was finally back in FL. I ran home and grabbed my lil black box from the door. I was expecting RiRi soup. It's been hotter than Hades in the MIA the last few days. I get it inside and open up the boxes. Everything is Ok!!!! Now I can rest easy. I'm still going to put them in the fridge for a few hours before swatching though.
DILLIGAF-----So glad your order was fine! ENJOY!!!


Well-known member
I am not typing this out cus I secretly want your heaux

I really like the sugar plum fairy... I think it pulls more berry on you. Unless of course you were not wanting berryish red? The heaux looks like it is pulling yellow/orange/coral. Yeah I know they are diff colors but you know warm instead of cool. Of course that is very popular too so not saying it isn't pretty or anything like that.

You look great as usual even tho the WW SPF looks more like what I would expect heaux to look like from description
This is how I felt about an hour ago...OMG SHE'S HERE MAH RIRI STUFF IS HURRRRR

Opened the box and Heaux wasn't there.
Luckily a friend of mine ordered one for me and I didn't know it!

WNW Sugar Plum Fairy-Heaux

Excuse everything in this pic lol

Overall not sure how I feel about Heaux


Well-known member
Personally, I am loving how that looks on you! A LOT

I still cannot find SPF. I even broke my no-walmart rule & checked there...nope, they didn't have it.

dang why was it missing
I know... her swatches makes me want to start combing the WnW displays. I can never find anything I am looking for on them but I will be looking for this one as well

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