RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


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How I feel when I call MAC:
So true.

I haven't received the little gift they promised to send me yet. I'll wait till next week, if nothing arrived until then I'm going to call them.


Well-known member
Wait no nevermind fucking amazing lmao they had to put in 2 orders for the rrbs because they were not previously entered, so i would have came home to no package and would have been like where the fuck are my things??? AND that re-instated order, was re-cancelled, and a supervisor is supposed to contact me about it and shit and i am so tired of the saying re and ri and any form of that phonetic sound
I hope they send you gift and refund you for the RRB and send them for free! This is just asinine!
Decided to wear RiRi Boy today. :)
Heaux with heroine l/l. Love it with heroine. Again thanks to the ladies who suggested this combo!
Very pretty! I really need to get heroine l/l
Finally this little sucka decided to arrive! My RRB arrived in great condition batch A63. No white stuff no melting no nothing! In fact, I already put him on and he feels fabulous. Idk why my RiRi woo feels so drying when I apply but RRB was so easy to work with. I love it!
I wore Heaux today w/ a little Nightmoth
I was running late today so I rushed my makeup. Decided to just put on ririboy to add some color. Looks a lot darker indoors. I don't usually wear these types of colors to work so I got tons of compliments. Mostly men :shock:
RRB on me, with the brightness jacked up quite a bit due to my crappy lighting. Lol
RiRi Heaux lined with Jordana Cabaret I apologize for the poor picture quality. Photo was taken with my SG4.
Gorgeous! I need to get that lip liner the next time I'm in Walgreens.


Well-known member
 So true. I haven't received the little gift they promised to send me yet. I'll wait till next week, if nothing arrived until then I'm going to call them. 
They sent me Cultured lipglass as a gift for all the trouble. I'm curious to know what you'll get.


Well-known member
I was running late today so I rushed my makeup. Decided to just put on ririboy to add some color. Looks a lot darker indoors. I don't usually wear these types of colors to work so I got tons of compliments. Mostly men

You need to make it your business to wear this more often


Well-known member
I was running late today so I rushed my makeup. Decided to just put on ririboy to add some color. Looks a lot darker indoors. I don't usually wear these types of colors to work so I got tons of compliments. Mostly men :shock:
Ooh how did i miss your picture? It looks great on you!


Well-known member
That awkward moment when I order 2 RiRi Boys and one Heaux thinking I'll like RRB better and it turns out I like Heaux the most...


Well-known member
I finally got both my RRB & Heaux today! Other than Heaux being a little sweaty (it's so humid in NYC) they both came in great condition. I'm wearing Heaux to work tomorrow & will post pics.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Serenityy

That awkward moment when I order 2 RiRi Boys and one Heaux thinking I'll like RRB better and it turns out I like Heaux the most...

^^THIS! This is exactly what happened to me. I even put an extra Heaux on backorder and cancelled it in a fit of anger. I so wish I hadn't now.


Well-known member
Just checked my bu's and they're indeed the A63's smh.
my a63 RiRi Boy and Heux are perfectly Fine.

Just in Case people dont know how to decipher macs batch numbers... i found this in a thread here on specktra::

First Character: The batch order. A is the first batch, B is the second batch, etc.

Second Character: The month of production.

  • 1 = January
  • 2 = February
  • 3 = March
  • 4 = April
  • 5 = May
  • 6 = June
  • 7 = July
  • 8 = August
  • 9 = September
  • A = October
  • B = November
  • C = December
Third Character: The year of production

So A63 would be the first batch in June 2013

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