RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.


Well-known member
I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
 She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.
So sorry to hear that Pinkdollface. We are here for you. ((Hugs)) Glad to hear you'll be getting some new goodies soon.


Well-known member
Pinkdollface, I am so sorry to hear that

But,as missOannette said, we are all here for you

I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.


Well-known member
I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
 She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. :support:


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible
I am so sorry to hear this PDF. I remember your mentioning problems in the NP forum. Breakups are always difficult especially after being together so long. Big hugs to you


Well-known member
I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
 She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.
Pinkdollface, I am so sorry to hear that... That must be so hard.


Well-known member
. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.
Oh no sorry to hear that. Its tough especially since it was so long but always remember the world will continue to spin and you're still breathing :)

honey on boost

Well-known member
I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.
Yay! That is so sweet of her. I'm sorry about your breakup, hopefully the lippies can make you feel better for a little.


Well-known member
I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
 She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.
I'm so sorry to hear this Pinkdollface. I have a friend who recently went through a breakup with her bf of 10 years and I sent her on my BU of Heaux. Now we obsessively talk about its merits. She says it's her favourite pick me up lipstick now. :) And we're on the search for reasonably priced BUs. I hope you can find some distraction in your new goodies.


Well-known member
I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.
I'm sorry about your break up PDF, we're all here for you.


Well-known member
I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.
Put your makeup on, put your freakum dress on, and go paint the town red!


Well-known member
Well.... after 19 days, over a dozen phone calls, dealing with 3 different Supervisors, asked to photograph all my damaged lipsticks TWO times (because they needed a "clearer" photo), being asked to send and forward MULTIPLE emails (because they "couldn't find them" and their mailboxes couldn't hold the emails)... I FINALLY got my replacement lipsticks today! They are all perfectly fine and I can't wait to play with them. I have to admit my enthusiasm isn't what it was for this collection, and RiRi Fall will be a complete skip for me no matter how great the products are. I will not continue to let MAC treat me in such a poor way and reward them with coming back for it again. My LE choices will be MUCH more selective moving forward. It reminds me of 2 sayings I have always repeated...  1) Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice, shame on ME! 2) Be where your presence is CELEBRATED not tolerated! Everyone looks fantastic in these lipsticks! It's just sad that the collection has to be shadowed but such complete and utter lack of quality customer service. I deserve better from someone I give my money to on a monthly basis. So do all of you.
Pixie, I agree 100%. I will always love my MAC boys and MAC girls because they treat customers like people, not hackers, or just one of MANY faceless, unhappy customers that waited hours to place my order and then weeks to get my RiRi lippies MAC marketing can brag on TV.. I am done with MAC Online.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Pinkdollface

I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.

I'm really sorry to hear that. I know it's definitely tough to deal with...just keep your head up and enjoy your goodies :)


Well-known member
Pixie, I agree 100%. I will always love my MAC boys and MAC girls because they treat customers like people, not hackers, or just one of MANY faceless, unhappy customers that waited hours to place my order and then weeks to get my RiRi lippies MAC marketing can brag on TV.. I am done with MAC Online.
Yeah... I sure wish my local MAC took my PRO discount! The MUAs and sales people in a few of my MAC's are SOOOO awesome! It would definitely make for a better experience overall in EVERY way!

Dolly Snow

I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.
I am really sorry hun! But yay for Heaux!


Well-known member
Finally my lipsticks arrived. RRB was in good condition but Heaux had a large glob of waxy or whatever that white-ish substance on the side of the lipstick so I called and they're shipping a new one out on Monday.


Well-known member
I'm getting a Heaux BU thanks to a lovely specktrette
She ordered it on backorder for me and it arrived today at her place. I'm so happy she did this for me and she did a cp too for my first Nars blush (Gaiety) and lipstick (Scarlet Empress) and I got another Ablaze BU from her sale too. My boyfriend and I broke up this week after a relation of 6 years and 3 months and I feel so horrible and knowing I'll get some new goodies soon cheers me up a bit.

Put your makeup on, put your freakum dress on, and go paint the town red!

Like Elegant-one said, his loss, your gain! I know it hurts PDF, but you will be just fine!

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