RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
According to MAC CS I was supposed to receive my replacement RRB & Heaux by Friday.....
It's sad that there are STILL issues going on related to this collection...even with the simple part of shipping replacements when they say they will. Smh


Well-known member
So it's been a while since I've checked in, but I have to say, I've been obsessed with my Heaux and RRB!!! Definitely going to have to ration them since I wasn't able to snag any BUs. Been wearing RRB with Heroine l/p and it looks lovely. I'll try to post pics soon.


Well-known member
I got my Heaux and Ririboy on July 8, and I'm yet to swatch them. Pure laziness. Meanwhile, I'm seriously considering a Riri Woo backup.


Well-known member
I was only gone for a few days and came back to massive loveliness!!! HOB you look so pretty in RRB---no wonder you were turning heads!!

I Agree. Everyone looks great with all three lipsticks from this collection.

... damn girl at the rate you are getting packages you will be able to build a fort around yourself! lmaooo

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