RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
*sigh* I bought 8 RiRi Boys for me, my friends and cousins and they ALL have these WAX that's why I'm really disappointed. Then I bought 4 RiRi Heaux and the box was empty!
what in seven hells is going on????
not just one hell, but seven!!!


Active member
I came out a bit lucky. RRB gave me trouble....completely broken the first time. Completely out of the base the second time (but fixed. Had the white stuff but it's harmless and I didn't care about it). Third time it was perfect. Never had trouble with Heaux (2) or RRW. Did MAC never take care of you with replacements or a refund?
The RRB's are safe to use but that empty box issue requires a serious phone to MAC asap. 
I've reported the issue and they say they're investigating why my box is empty. So it's them or UPS who has to answer


Active member
HEEEELLLLPPPPP!!!! I am DESPERATELY looking for HEAUX!!! If you have one you're willing to sell (for a reasonnable price incl. shipping ;) ) or swap (I have a lot of BN make up) pleaaaaaase email me at : [email protected] Thaaaank Youuuuuu!!!
I'm not sure if you're still looking for one but I have one. I'm from Australia though and they retailed for AUS$36 each so it's probably not in your price range but I'm happy to email you if you want it :)


Well-known member
Well, well, well this is interesting. I was tempted to get another Heaux and maybe RRB, but I'll resist. I already have one Mac package on it's way and a couple of others via UPS. The UPS man makes a trip every week to my house. He has to be tired of me.


Well-known member
I just ordered more BG lustre drops exactly why really I don't know . The urge was too strong to resist I guess


Well-known member
It does look nice . I had ordered two bottles during the last late night restock however I had sent one to a really deserving member . The bottle is not huge even tho little goes a long way. That is my justification for getting more . Yes , the bottle is small, lol . I also need bargaining items now that I have a wish list ( promoting) shamelessly


Well-known member
Ok as much as I'm really really tempted to buy BU of ririboy and heaux I'll pass. I haven't even used them once (yes I know that's bad). but nice to see they've restocked this for those who miss out!

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