"rose" Pigment.....


Well-known member
any ideas what the best ways to use it are
i think it looks kinda crappy on its own

thanks xxxxx


Well-known member
Canton Candy Paint, Rose Pigment on lid, Pink Pearl in crease, Pink Opal to highlight, Rose Pigment used wet to line lower lashes, Cranberry wet to line upper lashes.

Canton Candy Paint as a base, Rose Pigment on the lid, Coco Beach Pigment in the crease, Maroon Pigment on the outer corner, Sketch to line.

Rose Pigment with Vanilla Pigment to highlight and Chocolate Brown Pigment in the crease/outer V.

Goldenaire Pigment with Rose Pigment in the crease, with Coco Pigment to deepen outer crease.

Corn s/s as base, Rose Gold Pigment on inner lid, Copper Pigment on outer lid, Blacktrack to line.


Active member
make a lipgloss!!!! either take some and mix it into a clear lipgloss or yuou can put a clear gloss on your lips and then add dabs of it around your lips and blend it in.

i also put it in clear nailpolish mixed with a rew dabs of a dark rose polish and it was really hot but gluey and hard to dry


Well-known member
I agree I use it for lipgloss ALL the time. I also like wearing it with Steel Blue Pigment, It also looks good with yellows...


Well-known member
omg! i love rose pigment! i need a full jar. i swear. i agree its fun on your cheeks and lips =] i haven't tried it on my eyes yet, to something i like.