rubia l/s on darker skin ?


Well-known member
i was wondering if anyone here has tried out the Rubia l/s and how it looks on darker skin tones?
i was thinking of ordering this shade w/o testing but i tend to have trouble finding good lipsticks that don't look too light on me. please lmk what you ladies think or if you have an pics w/ a darker skinned person wearing it. TIA!!!

oh here is a pic of me...excuse the pimple-y forehead (eczema)...and sorry it's so big:


Well-known member
Re: rubia l/s on darker skin

Originally Posted by ZLoves2Shop
Very pretty photo; love the makeup.

Yeah; me too!

I was disappointed with BLM sweet and single and real doll lipsticks. They were waaayyy too light for me -- even though they were a lustre, I couldn't sheer it out enough to be flattering on me. So I left them at the store. Rubia looks like it might run in the same family.

I order 99% of MAC online -- but I will travel out of town to try on blush and lipsticks....because I've received too many surprises in the mail. BTW, I'm NW45.


Well-known member
I'm NC40, and it's pretty light on me, although you can tell it's there. Maybe if paired (and blended well) with a darker lipliner and/or gloss it'll look darker.


Well-known member
Re: rubia l/s on darker skin

Originally Posted by ZLoves2Shop
Very pretty photo; love the makeup.

thanks!!!...i did that a few months ago and none of the mu is MAC
....i know that's blasphemous to say around here. lol.


Well-known member
lsperry and chanel_mac...thanks so much for your help. i figured it would be too light. i'm going to MAC on thursday for balloonacy but i wasn't sure if they'd have Rubia since apparently it's in very limited release specifically in the west/southwest areas (i live in nyc)....that's why i was going to order it. but i know i'm going to pass now and get something that might actually work for me...hopefully Full Blown and Perky. ty again


Well-known member
ur so cute!! i used rubia with cork l/l and oh baby l/g on top and it came out really pretty
i've also used it with spice, chestnut and soar liner (at different times
) - it's a very versatile color and be'cs it's lustre it pretty much goes with anything! (i'm C6 btw)


Well-known member
I'm NW 45 and I love Rubia.It's pretty sheer for a lustre, I use it with a bit of lipglass but spice or chesnut l/l would be great with it too.


Well-known member
I previewed the Rubia Lipstick and I did not like it. I am not a fan of neutrals at all. I love color!!! Give me my reds, plums, and vibrant bronzes. The Rubia appeared very pale to me.


Well-known member
i think if my MAC has Rubia tomorrow i'll give it a try but ultimately i want something that i don't have to "work" with. like i just want to be able to put it on and go...not worry about adding/using l/l or l/g. thanks again ladies for all your help.


Well-known member
I actually think shades like Rubia look better on darker skin. If you're fairer, the shade would make you look washed out. But on the lips of a darker diva, you get the perfect natural nude look.

BTW - I have Rubia and love it. I'm a medium brown.

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