Rude talent interview!


New member
So I applied for a Clinique counter at Macy's a few weeks ago. I had my first interview the next day, and my interview with the counter manager the next day. Well, the talent plus agency called to set up my phone interview, which was supposed to be for Thursday at 1030am. I waited and FINALLY a lady called at 1. She was very friendly up until she asked me where I was currently employed. I'm working in the lingerie section at an adult store. Which the other 2 managers I interviewed with found funny! After telling her this, she became very rude. She would ask me questions, and then interrupt me when I tried answering them with the next question!!! She was so rude and made me feel so bad about my current situation that I actually cried when I got off the phone. It was supposed to be a 30-45 minute interview, but with her interrupting my answers it only took about 10-15. I know it's only been 4 days since my interview, but I really don't feel like she allowed me to properly interview. What should I do? I was really counting on this job :(


Well-known member
I'm sorry that happened to you, but really there is nothing you can do (as far as making her consider you for the position.) There is definitely something to learn from it though. If you know you work in an industry that some people may find questionable and it could potentially hamper your employment potential then I think you may want to work on being more cryptic and clever about where you work. For instance, if someone asks what you do now say:

I help fit women for lingerie in a specialty shop/professional environment. It's great because I am able to make them feel extremely comfortable while looking at what can be an overwhelming collection and help them look their best. I think that would translate well at Clinique as getting women to trust me with their face and skin is so important.

Perhaps not exactly that, but start brainstorming with friends things you could say that don't focus on the adult aspect and focus more on the level of customer service you give. Sorry that was off the top of my head, but I hope it helps some.

Oh, also, maybe try using the corporate name of the business where you work so it doesn't set off any flags for anyone. It's not lying and will help you get your foot in more doors.


Well-known member
I am so sorry that happened to you. This was only the one woman who interviewed you, if the others thought it was funny, I am sure it won't mean you won't get hired based only on one opinion. I used to work in this environment and I am NOT trying to be rude or wanting to hurt your feelings..but you may have to learn how to grow.."thick skin"..these women in this industry can be cruel!!!

I wish you the best! PS: Calling back and checking in with them may help!


New member
Did you ever hear back from Talent Plus as to whether or not you passed?

And, it's unfortunate but judgmental people are everywhere. Personally, I think people who pass judgment really need to take a look in the mirror and ask themselves why they care about other people's choices so much.