Sanjaya Malakar is my WTF of the week...

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Originally Posted by eco is encouraging ppl to vote for him too!

all in all, I think it's kind of entertaining that so many people are participating in "vote for the worst" but it made me a little sad tonight when Gina Glocksen was voted off. I haven't cared about anyone else who was voted off yet, except for Gina. She was representing the rock and roll women.... hmmph.

Since day 1 I've been rooting for Blake, but I started to vote for gina each week because I knew Blake would not get kicked off yet. Now i'm back to voting for Blake.

The Sanjaya thing is entertaining... I would like to see it go as far as the final 3, but I do not want to see him chosen as our "idol".

It's interesting, because if you've been watching each week, he seemed VERY suprised whenever he was in the bottom when he found out he was safe, as in he KNEW the other singers were better than him. Since he's been making headlines and being talked about by Howard Stern, etc, he's so much more confident and cocky, like he expects to be safe each week. Oh yeah, and he totally trashed that No Doub t song, "Bathwater".

It's so funny because Simon realizes it is out of his control- he can talk anyway he wants, negative or positive about Sanjaya and it won't matter at all.

gina sucked.


Well-known member
american idol is a joke. always has been, always will be. i mean...seriously, think about it. chris daughtry (who was kicked off) is worth more, has a more lucrative contract and is far more successful than his season's winner. what does that tell you?


Well-known member
^That you don't have to just need exposure ***coughJenniferHudsoncough***


Well-known member
Here here! He is ridiculous, and it's sad good people are getting kicked off, and he still has a spot


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
^That you don't have to just need exposure ***coughJenniferHudsoncough***

i almost forgot about jennifer hudson. point is though, idol obviousy doesn't really turn out the most desirable stars. the public obviously likes chris daughtry more than taylor hicks, yet taylor won? something's wrong there.


Well-known member
Chris daughtry was the only reason i ever watched past the auditions on AI.. usually i would watch the auditions each season to laugh and thats it.but when i saw chris.. i was like he is going to make it.. and i watched that season. he is about 100x better than taylor hicks. and they need to stop with AI soon.. how many can they possibly have before people get sick of it?