SAT Scores + Why I Hate Junior Year


Well-known member
So I got my SAT scores back.
Unfortunately, they were fowarded to Bahrain, then to Jordan, and FINALLY to me.
In early March I panicked and joined a 3 hour a day, 3 times a week SAT course for fear that I did terribly.

My Scores-
Critical Reading: 796
Math: 679
Writing: 784
Essay: 12

You know what bites? I'm still paranoid those aren't good for the college I want. Argh!! WTF is with schools and standardized test scores?! They know that if you go to any decent high school you're doing prep work for the test. I studied every night for an hour to get those scores but I still need to get my math up.

Junior year is sucking so badly. AP, SAT, EOC... it's such crap. We have more work than the Freshmen and Sophmores, while still having all this standardized junk to deal with. And at my school they post the class rankings in the community office. Peachy. So now everyone in the Junior class (myself included) is on the edge of their seat waiting to see if they can raise rank. They change postings every quarter.

I swear, they're trying to make us implode from stress or kill each other like those little monkeys in animal testing facilities they leave in a cage with only one piece of food and severe sleep deprivation. Sloooowly going mad.


Well-known member
I can completely and totally agree, SATs are the most overrated and worst thing people have to go thru in high school. I am just not a good test-taker and that should not determine if im good enough for that college or not. SATs freaking bite!!! I'm sorry hon I hope u feel better

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
What schools are you striving for? I don't know what the current scores mean (they were different when I took them), but you should be able to get into a good school.

With school, it's largely what you make of it.

As far as I'm concerned, the intent of the creator of the SAT was good, but now I think it turned into a huge business. I have issues with standardized testing and the whole ETS business, even though I do well on it.


Well-known member
Hawkeye just summed it up perfectly!!!~~~


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I seriously wish all I had to worry about was SAT scores. :/ be young again....


Well-known member
Don't sweat it. SAT scores are becoming less and less important. What's more important is your extra curricular activities and your ESSAY! Your scores were good by the way.

I cannot stress the importance of your essay and your extracurriculars! It really isn't that important to have good grades. Most colleges would rather take a well rounded student.