Stopping Cold Turkey probably won't help you right away. But set a goal, write down everything you buy besides that so you KNOW how much you can spend. You'd be surprised how much I am on my phone's calculator in stores to make sure I can buy something with the money I have and not the other way around. Money doesn't rule my life, and that should be how it is.
It's not that you shouldn't spend your money on something you want, but you should definately express caution in what you buy. Buying something you can't, or you'll never wear is a waste, because all you're going to do is look at it. And yeah... IMO that's a waste. My BOYFRIEND is the one with the shopping problem in my relationship. He's a techie. He loves new technological stuff, LCD TV's, Gaming Counsles, Video Games themselves. Infact a few days ago he pushed out $700 on a new LCD HDTV. And right before that he bought about 4 new games. $200 right there. So I'm normally the one who has to make him think about stuff. "Ray, do you need this? Are you going to die without it? What about those three games you bought last week that you haven't even played yet because of work?"
And he also just spent $500 on me shopping at MAC and the mall yesterday... so yeah >_> He's the spender.
It just requires a lot of thought process when you're shopping. I always go into the mall expecting to buy something, but that doesn't mean I have to spend $300. Sometimes I just buy a magazine or just one eyeshadow to crave my shopping hunger. I don't think I have bought a shirt in 6 months now... lol. As for your boyfriend, think about him when you want to buy something and be like "Doesn't he deserve this thing? Well... no shirts/pants/purses for me!"
And I do really feel your pain about the boyfriend thing too... I plan on getting my boyfriend a PS3 for his birthday, three months away and I started to save already, but I'm also expecting the counsle to go down to $400, and even if it doesn't, $500 is no problem. But I also want a bunch of stuff from the MAC Collections coming up. It's all about money managment. Write down EVERYTHING you buy in a notebook, or PDA or something! Seriously, always always write down everything. If you noticed you spent over what you wanted, return it, or exchange it for something similar but cheaper.