Scared of Amniocentesis/ low lining placenta


Active member
I have been reading about amniocentesis and it sares the hell out of me!!!

has anyone got this done?

i got my blood work done and i was reading that 95% of the time the blood work will come back with false positives.. and they'll prolly ask me to get a amniocentesis..

i just don't like the fact that I'll be getting a huge needle in my abdomen..

its one thing getting an epider. because i wont be able to see it at all, ya know?

oh yea, i have a low placenta.. has anyone ever had one before?
ill find out next week if it has moved up at all.. i am just so scared of my pregnancy.. im worried things will go wrong..

also, does anyone know what I can do about my hormones? I have horrible mood swings. I cry ALL of the time, its ridiculous.. i just need a little women to women advice..

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