Originally Posted by laguayaca
I kinda wish we gave eachother gifts all the time LOL I just love getting packages in the mail! We should have secret penpals that send eachother notes and little things through out the year...LOL
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I have a few friends on here that I do that with.....
I love it!! I have one sweetie that is Intl and she loves candies from here and then a few here in the US that I will see their wishlist and send them something just because I see it at the CCO ... It's so fun!!
I know another site that used to do something like this...it wasn't a makeup site but they sent each other a small gift once a month...or if they knew they were going thru a rough time...
Maybe we should all start a private PM of addresses and randomly send people stuff when we want to or when they are having a rough time...
They will know who it's from...But they want know they are getting anything until they go to the mail and there it is ...Such a great surprise
can we not make a separate thread starting up another one of these? I decided to participate in the last package pal thing and it was a nice idea, i got one package and sent 2 out, but it sucked because my person never PM me ever, we never really talked to eachother, she seemed uninterested....
i like this idea better and id like to participate.
Tish, u finally got ur package lmao. Yaaaaaaaaay
u guys got some great stuff. I cant post pictures because i dont have a camera, just a crappy cell phone.