Re: 2008 Secret Santa - Hints Thread!
Age: 30
Skintone (NW15, etc): NC35
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Interests/Hobbies: Music, reading, cooking
Things you Collect (Besides MAC, of course):
Guitar picks, lip balm, Tokidoki, things with skulls on them, black nail polish.
Favorite 2008 MAC Collection: Neo Sci-Fi
Favorite All-time MAC Collection: N-Collection
5 Things from the Permanent Line You've Always Wanted to Pick Up, but Never Got to: Fix+, Bronze shadow, Club shadow, VG II lipstick, Myth lipstick.
5 LE Items You Missed Out On that You'd Love to Get Your Hands On:
Flammable Paint, Soft Wash Gray Pigment, Shush Tendertone, Comet Blue Dazzleglass, and I can’t think of a 5th item.
Favorite Eyeshadow Color (green, purple, etc): Dark blues, greens and purples. (I can’t pick just one!)
Favorite Lip Product Color (nude, red): Nude
Favorite Eyeshadow Texture (Satin, Frost, etc): Veluxe Pearl
Favorite MAC product (Dazzleglass, Fluidline, etc): Lipglass
Least Favorite MAC Product: Mineralized shadows.
Favorite Non-MAC Brand: Rimmel
3 Things from that Brand You've Always Wanted to Pick Up: Glam Eyes mascara, Professional Liquid Eyeliner, Vinyl glosses
3 Favorite Drugstore Items/Things You've Always Wanted to Try:
Nivea lip balms, that two color Max Factor mascara, NYC or Ardell lashes
Things You Don't Like/Need: Mineralized eyeshadows. Bleh.
Little Extras You Love (pigment samples, candy, etc): pigment samples are nice, candy is the awesome
, something from your state (a postcard/key chain, or even a “if you ever visit X, check out Y. I like random trivia.)
Anything else about you that would help out your Santa:
I’m open to anything, so don’t wrack your brain on something. Also don’t break the bank. I appreciate your participation in this and am grateful for whatever you send me. Can of beans = no, bag of dry beans = maybe.
Your Wishlist (5-15 Items Should Be Sufficient):
Ardell lash gel (or any sort of lash conditioner)
RoC cleansing disks (random I know, but they seem interesting to me)
Trax shadow
That Garnier eye cream with the roller ball on it
Green color corrector
Soft & Gentle MSF
Steamy shadow
Pandamonium shadow
Empty shadow palette (any size/brand)
I don’t own any blush, so maybe an Eversun, or whatever you might recommend (brand not important)?