see thru cheek stain pictures!


Well-known member
Well guess I will be saving money for Lure.


Well-known member
ooohh, Deodorants!!! LMAO!!! No really, those are purty colors!!!

omg i'm not the only one that thinks that!!
I'm curious as to how these look on and can you wash the sponge?


Well-known member
I tried one today using the sponge and it was a bit tricky. The color was ok, but it was a pain to blend, it dries pretty fast. JMO, though. I'll stick to powder blushes.


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm going to stick with Tarte. But I'm sure I will pick up a couple of the lipgelees.


Well-known member
Got my bottle of Subtle Hint today.


damn you naysayers! lol

It goes on very easily, blends like a dream w/ the spongetip applicator(yes, even over foundation!), and is LIGHT.... doesn't even feel like it's there!
YES, you can see it. It is the lighter of the 2 colours, and on me (NC25) it looks almost exactly like Tarte's "Flush" Cheekstain does. However, it doesn't have that stickiness that the Tarte gels have for the first 1/2 hour or so after applying.
I *love* my Tarte cheekstains, so trust me when I say the MAC stuff is awesome.
I'll be buying the other shade(Awash in Pink) and will hope like the dickens that MAC comes out with more colours. A Peach would be nice.


Well-known member
ugh I HATE mine I bought both of them and its just too liqidy for me...
im glad that some of you like them but this just isnt for me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Can someone who has one tell me if it's possible to prise off the sponge applicator?

I want to add these to my kit, but don't want to go through the hoopla of mashing the sponge onto a spatula in order to use it. It's no use having a good product if they're totally crap to use in a hygenic fashion.

Another MAC MA was telling me that they were able to give samples, so I would assume that there must be a way to take the top off- I can not picture them smashing it into sample containers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Colorqueen
Another MAC MA was telling me that they were able to give samples, so I would assume that there must be a way to take the top off- I can not picture them smashing it into sample containers.

they probably just squirt it out. It comes out pretty easily with a slight squeeze.

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