sephora employees


Well-known member
i have a question and i was on hold for like 15 minutes last night with sephora so i thought my fellow specktran sephora employees could help.

i already had 76 points in my beauty bank. went to sephora last night and spent 33 which would have put me over 100 to get the free item we get for every 100 we spend. when the girl rang me up she told me that the CURRENT purchase put me at 76 when i already had 76 to begin with. and i looked online today and my points don't reflect what i bought last night.......

i know it's the holidays so is it probably just something with the system? like maybe it's moving slow? i know it's just a free sample but i have a lot of beauty & makeup loving cousins/friends to buy for this season and wanted to use that as one of them

oh! also i used a 15 dollar gift card. does that effect your points you build? i actually spent like 48 dollars but with the gift card i ended up only spending 33.

i hope you guys don't think i'm bitching about it. lol! i love sephora. i just want an answer. sorry!


Well-known member
It usually shows up instantly, that's why whenever the computer shows that they have 98 points or so I will let them know in case they were looking forward to the free sample and wanted to buy a little something for $5 to put them over the 100 points. Buying a gift card doesn't accumulate points, but you said you used to gift card to purchase your items so you should have gotten all 48 ( excluding tax ) Did you have them physically swipe the card? Sometimes I do a search for someones card using their first and last name and verify the email address or search their email and verify with their zip code, but sometimes mistakes can still happen that way ( people don't always talk loud enough for me to hear or they talk to fast for me to type )