Sephora's new theme for Valentine's Day


Well-known member
I know hyper

but to answer your question-it is absolutely nothing new-but the rant I have the most is - ok granted- I have no problem with NARS names like orgasm, pussy galore, deep throat or even MAC Names like womanly, underage etc. Why? because it is descrete (OK Hold on before you start going crazy here)- The blushes products come in a black box and on the side you have to sqint to see the words. Also many of the NARS products are named after Bond Girls.

So that's part of why I have no reason with that. Now- to bring that in to the point of why I have a problem with the pictures on the site-the best comparison I can make it towards is with MAC Lure.

I had no problem with MAC Lure, Bait and Hooked. Why? Because it had a point to it. The girl was a mermaid, the collection was very aquatic. it went hand in hand.

This on the other hand-I don't see the point. How does it tie into the products being sold? I hated the carnival theme over the holidays Sephora had but at least it tied into the products being sold and the trends.

I dont understand what the trends are and what products they are wanting to sell with this. So basically my view is this: Shock value in itself is worthless. Tie it into something, make it worthwhile, make it mean something and then I won't have a problem.

Sorry I like to rant on tangents. I hope some of this made sense to you hyper


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
I already stated in the same post that I don't mean to offend. I think you're reading an awful lot into one sentence! The fact is that I am offended by your "opinion" that people who practice B&D are somehow in the wrong. I happen to think that's a very narrow-minded point of view. And an unnecessary one as it's a pretty safe guess that anyone practicing it or even the practice in general has absolutely no effect on you or your life. You may as well be saying that homosexuality is wrong. Or gardening. Anything.

You may be right, however, that I might have implied in my statement that EVERYONE living in.. okay, I'll say it, SOUTHERN STATES, feels similarly about deviant sexual practices. That's an unnecessary generalization, and I apologize if I offended any free-thinking, fetish-having Southerners

So is it safe to assume that everytime someone says "No Offense intended" it makes everything correct? No matter how intentionally offensive it was?

No Offense though, of course.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
I know hyper

but to answer your question-it is absolutely nothing new-but the rant I have the most is - ok granted- I have no problem with NARS names like orgasm, pussy galore, deep throat or even MAC Names like womanly, underage etc. Why? because it is descrete (OK Hold on before you start going crazy here)- The blushes products come in a black box and on the side you have to sqint to see the words. Also many of the NARS products are named after Bond Girls.

So that's part of why I have no reason with that. Now- to bring that in to the point of why I have a problem with the pictures on the site-the best comparison I can make it towards is with MAC Lure.

I had no problem with MAC Lure, Bait and Hooked. Why? Because it had a point to it. The girl was a mermaid, the collection was very aquatic. it went hand in hand.

This on the other hand-I don't see the point. How does it tie into the products being sold? I hated the carnival theme over the holidays Sephora had but at least it tied into the products being sold and the trends.

I dont understand what the trends are and what products they are wanting to sell with this. So basically my view is this: Shock value in itself is worthless. Tie it into something, make it worthwhile, make it mean something and then I won't have a problem.

Sorry I like to rant on tangents. I hope some of this made sense to you hyper

thanks babydoll........ and YES
what u are saying does make sense to me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
BDSM is between two consenting adults in the privacy (or not) of their bedroom. It's something they're both into and willing to partake in.

I find it ironic you're pointing this out when the word "slut" is in your username. I'm not attacking you, please don't think I am, I'm merely pointing that out.

I've been a victim of violence; sexual assault and rape are both parts of my past. That doesn't mean that between myself and my husband I don't enjoy some good rough sex, to include bondage and toys. There's a difference, and any one who's beena victim knows that.

Imo, of course.

incidentally, there are just as many male subs as there are female subs, and for every sub, there's a dom. That's part of the fetish.

u speak da truth Jamie "amen gurly" soooooooo okay this is soooo kinda off topic but i feel the need to make a funny...

"yea so what if i like my booty smacked" its all good not that i have much of a booty lol.. I might need to borrow some of urs Jamie aka miss Jlo hehe

Jooo know i love ya


Well-known member
Good! Because I myself was having a hard time following myself
I sort of feel like Hammy on Over the Hedge sometimes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
Good! Because I myself was having a hard time following myself
I sort of feel like Hammy on Over the Hedge sometimes

dont take this the wrong way....... but i read the 1st sentence of this statment and and laughed so hard my coffee shot out my mouth. oh gheeeze thanks for this statment i need it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
So is it safe to assume that everytime someone says "No Offense intended" it makes everything correct? No matter how intentionally offensive it was?

No Offense though, of course.

Good grief.. I answered your question, didn't I? What I said wasn't offensive unless you think it's offensive to be considered to be from the South.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I wonder how many people look at that page and don't know what they are looking at? Can't you just hear it now:

"Ooooo, look at that. I wonder what it does? Maybe it will take away my wrinkles. I need one!"

"no no.. I think that they are used for holding your eyeglasses around your neck."


Well-known member
I'm not offended by it but I just think they could have come up with something better, more attractive and more universal.
Being a company that catters to such a large clientele, I think they could have come up with something that would appeal to people on a wider scale. Especially for Valentines Day, they could have done so many pretty makeup looks rather than just having a nipple clamp strewn about. :shrug:


Well-known member
ok seriously guys i didn't know those were nipple clips or whatever they are. i didn't think twice when i saw them even after i read this. i had to search to see what possibily could be these nipple clips you guys were all talking about it.

i don't think it promotes violence at all. it's just trying to push the envelope. no biggie in my opinion. and i'm a a total prude haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
incidentally, there are just as many male subs as there are female subs, and for every sub, there's a dom. That's part of the fetish.

Not forgetting the bit that everyone always overlooks - the sub holds all the power.


Well-known member
i'm gonna have to agree 100% with everyone that said S&M/bondage does not equal domestic violence. we have to keep in mind that it isn't always (actually, the majority of the time it isn't) the woman who is being dominated. as far as i know, the men are more often the dominated ones.

and we have to face it that we're coming into an age where sexual practices such as bondage and S&M are coming more and more common.


Well-known member
Although........... I agree that sure, Sephora could have gone the safe route... and made everything pretty... but hasn't that been done? Isn't that normal advertising? Isn't that everyday advertising? They accomplished their goal, they got us talking.


Well-known member
Leaving aside the argument concerning S & M and domestic violence...As an advertsing technique, I just find it off-putting. I don't care if I am close-minded on the subject, I look at the nipple clamps and go "Ewww." (Not to mention I almost involuntarily clutch my chest in pain) I think of makeup as being girly and pretty, not about triple X sexual deviancy. There, I said it! Flog me for it if you will (but please don't, I'm not into that kind of thing).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
Flog me for it if you will (but please don't, I'm not into that kind of thing).

That was awesome!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
"no no.. I think that they are used for holding your eyeglasses around your neck."

Well actually they could take wrinkles away if you clipped an end to each ear, put the chain behind your head and pulled reeeeealllly hard.

But back on topic. I can see how some would be concerned that young girls are seeing this, but then how many shop online and how many would even know what that nipple clamp was?

Second, I gotta throw my vote in: S&M, bondage and rough sex is just fine if it is consensual and everyone enjoys it. I don't think it means violence. It just means it's saturday night. Or tuesday. Anyway...

If I am looking for a new riding crop, would that be in the Tools section with the brushes? :shedevil:


Well-known member
From what I saw, they had the nipple clamps on the page because Nars came out with some new stuff that has very racey sexual names. So I think that's what that was all about. As to why they had a girl with a collar, I guess it's just to say that people do freaky things on Valentines day. Maybe they could of used a more lovey romantic type visual for that. But, you know most women try to get all sexy and hot for the men on that day. Maybe everyone doesn't celebrate that way, but you know that's how it goes down. I dont' think it promotes violence or rape, if I have read this post correctly. If they are suggestiong bondage or S&M or whatever, that's between people who agreed to it . It's not like they had a picture of acutal person being tied up and whipped. Just my opinion.


Well-known member
It doesn't offend me, but I see young girls w/ their moms in their all the time, and although they wouldn't understand the concept, they might ask what it is. Also, Valentine's Day should be cute holiday IMO for all ages, so they should just have a freaking cupid pic. LOL.

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