Sephora's Professional Mini Heated Eyelash Curler


Well-known member
Has anyone ever tried this?

Or any other type of heated eyelash curler for that matter?

It sounds like it would be a miracle tool... especially for us asian girls with the evil eyelashes the grown straight down and refuse to curl


Well-known member
i have the stubbornest asian lashes that never stay curled, but i just got : Shu Uemura's eyelash curler (you can get it at sephora too) and i use covergirl's professional waterproof mascera and my lashes stayed curled the whole day.

i have to use waterproof for they'll just uncurl in about 3 hours.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxyrbestbetxx
i have the stubbornest asian lashes that never stay curled, but i just got : Shu Uemura's eyelash curler (you can get it at sephora too) and i use covergirl's professional waterproof mascera and my lashes stayed curled the whole day.

i have to use waterproof for they'll just uncurl in about 3 hours.

I've noticed that a lot of people LOVE the Shu Uemura eyelash curler. What makes it different than the regular eyelash curler?


Well-known member
oh man, i don't know.
i think it's curved a little better so you get alllll your lashes curled you know? what eyelash curler are you using now?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxyrbestbetxx
oh man, i don't know.
i think it's curved a little better so you get alllll your lashes curled you know? what eyelash curler are you using now?

just a plain, drug store one. i think it's Revlon. i also have a ghetto plastic one from Quo, but I only use that on other people when i'm doing their makeup, cuz the angle/placement of the 'finger holes' (wth?? what are they called?!) aren't so awkward when you're curling someone's else's lashes. sorry, i can't figure out a way to better explain that but i think you know what i mean right??

but yes, for myself, i have a Revlon one. i thought they were all the same


Well-known member
I haven't tried it, but I've heard that heating your regular eyelash curler for a minute or so with your hairdryer accomplishes the same thing as a heated lash curler. Certainly worth a try before you go out and buy . . . :)


Well-known member
DON'T do the blowdryer thing!!!

if you accidentally get the curler too hot and touch your skin, you could do major damage to your eye lids!


i ADORE my heated eyelash curler. i put my mascara on FIRST and it really works!



Well-known member
I haven't tried the heated curler but I really want one. I should've bought it when I was at Sephora earlier this week. Now I'm kicking myself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rouquinne
DON'T do the blowdryer thing!!!

if you accidentally get the curler too hot and touch your skin, you could do major damage to your eye lids!


oh, i know! i came really close to burning myself when i tried this a looooong time ago. needless to say, i haven't tried it since.

i'll try the Sephora one... couldn't hurt. besides, it's not that expensive. i'll let you all know how it is


Well-known member
I have that one. It's okay. One thing that I did find is the application of the mascara does wonders as does the product itself. A MA at the Versace counter showed me this great technique that had people asking me if I had on false eyelashes. And as luck would have it, I stopped wearing mascara for a while and forgot!


Well-known member
what? proper application technique for mascara?

it's the topic of my very first column for Naturally Curly - link in my sig file.


wipe off most of the mascara on the wand for the first coat. use a fibre free cloth. apply first coat. refill brush, apply second coat while first is still wet. apply more if desired. go to next eye.

the thin first coat acts like a primer - DON'T buy mascara primer - and your lashes separate better than using a full brush to apply the first coat.

i always do this and i have pretty darn good lashes!



Well-known member
I'm going to try that! I think I make my mistake putting on a heavy first coat.

I know she bent the curler in a curve. If I can rember correctly she applied it in three parts, the inner corner, the middle and the outer corner she pulled away from the eye. I hope I described that right.

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