Sephora's Reigning Beauties: Ariel - The Little Mermaid


Well-known member
Gorgeous!!! seriously have to do a look with this palette one day I've been lazy lately lol. Thank you! This palette truly is the most gorgeous palette, the colors are just beautiful!
True! I also wanted to add that your lashes are uniformly perfect! Mine are splayed out, everywhere even with mascara lol


Well-known member

I hope not I've been refreshing the sephora site since the palette first came out or with the glitch and it's getting very annoying that they haven't put up anything else yet.
I have been doing that too lol! ughhh they need to just put it up already!! im thinking tomorrow or next week


Well-known member
part of me feels like maybe Thursday the stuff will be up?? idk why just do hah hope im right..... im getting to tired of stalking there site i didnt ever think id hate seeing "SEPHORA" LOL


Well-known member
Ah the palette is also most here!!!

I'm just hoping Canada Post will lift the ban on delivering to my neighbourhood soon. >_< I didn't get any mail last week and they deliverwed a note saying their hold the neibourhood packages until they resolve an issue with a dog. There is 8 dogs on my corner though.


Well-known member
After RiRi Gate I am ready to just say "two tears in a bucket, mother 
I stayed far away from that lol I didn't care much for the collection but also the same things happened to me during that NYX $1.12 on everything sale in 2011 I think. I was one of the few people who could actually get through and check out and then in the mess of server overload my credit card info got stolen and I had to get a new one. When something's that hyped now I'm like nope! Lol


Well-known member
it" I stayed far away from that lol I didn't care much for the collection but also the same things happened to me during that NYX $1.12 on everything sale in 2011 I think. I was one of the few people who could actually get through and check out and then in the mess of aerver overload my credit card info got stolen and I had to get a new one. When something's that hyped now I'm like nope! Lol
OMG that was horrible. I stayed up for HOURS and bought nothing yet it seemed like everyone and their mother got to order.


Active member
True! I also wanted to add that your lashes are uniformly perfect! Mine are splayed out, everywhere even with mascara lol [/quote] Thank you very much! ; )


Active member
Musings of a Muse just posted pictures of a sneak peek of the Ariel collection, the mirror, the storybook palette, the part of your world mini quad palette, the perfume & the roller ball perfume. She is saying the entire collection isn't suppose to launch online until July, but the video for the collection said online in June, in stores August??! What is the deal & when in the world is this collection going to be online??! This really is getting ridiculous! I think we all just need to keep our eyes peeled & be prepared for it to launch just any day now at this point! I keep checking bc if it wasn't for me looking on here for the latest info on this collection I would have missed out on the palette the first time! Thank goodness! There was no notice & I'm sure not the only one in saying I'm not taking my chances & holding my breath on there being an email notification when the entire collection does finally launch! I just hope they stick to their word in the video & the collection does in fact launch online this month!


Well-known member
Between Sephora and MAC, I don't think most of these companies know what the heck they're doing. It always frustrates me to see such disorganization from fairly decent companies. Way to make things hard on the consumer.

The swatches and looks y'all have posted are gorgeous! I am impatiently waiting for my Sephora to get things in so I can get my palette and everything else but the mirror in person!

Like many of y'all, I'm afraid I'm going to miss out on the mirror, so I want to order online, but I can't be online throughout the day, so...

I wish they would announce a specific day and time, and be done with it.


Well-known member
I wish they would announce a specific day and time, and be done with it.
I really don't understand why launch times are always such a secret and companies "can't reveal that" when people ask. Like someone was asking where the president was having lunch or something lol. I really hope we don't have to wait till July for the rest of the items! But if bloggers received things then maybe within the next week? Since the palette was already released they can't drag it out too much longer that just seems weird. They might also lose people that way, sometimes I get fed up when I have to wait too long lol