Sephora's Reigning Beauties: Ariel - The Little Mermaid


Well-known member
Lol I agree!! I keep getting excited I see the email for vib than open it ..just a code..ughh
I'm the same, every time I see the email I'm like "Ariel?!
...ohhh nevermind
" When I check on my phone I always think maybe it's in the "Download the rest of this message" but it's always more nonsense lol


Well-known member
I'm the same, every time I see the email I'm like "Ariel?! :pompom: ...ohhh nevermind :eek:hboy: " When I check on my phone I always think maybe it's in the "Download the rest of this message" but it's always more nonsense lol
I scroll all the way to the bottom of the email like maybe I missed something lol
It's nice to see I'm not the only one who has gone completely bonkers waiting for this collection. I'm holding them to the June release because that was what the promo said and underneath the promo description it says "end of June" so hopefully it gets released noon today. I've had Sephora open (along with eBates) on my computer since the palette was released. & LOL I've had nightmares of being too lazy to get up, as well. It's awful! Def. going to need a Sephora break when this is through.


Well-known member
It's nice to see I'm not the only one who has gone completely bonkers waiting for this collection. I'm holding them to the June release because that was what the promo said and underneath the promo description it says "end of June" so hopefully it gets released noon today. I've had Sephora open (along with eBates) on my computer since the palette was released. & LOL I've had nightmares of being too lazy to get up, as well. It's awful! Def. going to need a Sephora break when this is through.
Yup i wake up every morning scared i missed out. Please sephora dont turn into mac


Well-known member
So who else saw this in there email and almost had a heart attack...... Then I open it and its about a perfume!!!!! SEPHORAS just being cruel now


Well-known member
I have almost given up on this collection. If I happen to see it online, then I will order. I spoke to CS, and they told me "by the end of the summer." I asked for a more specific time frame or date and got the typical bs noncommittal response.


Well-known member
I am checking the website all the time! my mom asks me everyday about the mirror lol I had a nightmare I missed it! :eek:


Well-known member
i know its been said quite a few times already in this thread but i still cant believe how sephora is acting about this collection you think they would spread the word about it coming out instead of trying to keep it a big ol secret if i would have got a mirror from one of the past two collections i would so just pass on this one...... i swear right after placing my order for this mirror ill have to be checked into the closest mental institute


Well-known member
^ They're being ridiculous. I'm wondering if they changed the release time all together since it's obviously not June anymore. I hope it's sometime in early July and not at the end


Well-known member
^ They're being ridiculous. I'm wondering if they changed the release time all together since it's obviously not June anymore. I hope it's sometime in early July and not at the end
I know! I was going to buy some urban decay pencils on sale with them, now it probably be gone before the mirrors come out! Btw did u get simmer from nordies yet?


Well-known member
i know its been said quite a few times already in this thread but i still cant believe how sephora is acting about this collection you think they would spread the word about it coming out instead of trying to keep it a big ol secret if i would have got a mirror from one of the past two collections i would so just pass on this one...... i swear right after placing my order for this mirror ill have to be checked into the closest mental institute
I'll be right there with you!! My cart is prepped and I just want this mirror to come out before anything else sells out! Ughhhh...why Sephora? Why?


Well-known member
I'll be right there with you!! My cart is prepped and I just want this mirror to come out before anything else sells out! Ughhhh...why Sephora? Why? :thud:
I know! We wont even be this mad if they dint actually say its coming out in june, they could just say hey thats the collection we are planning to release, so heres some promos for u to drool on lol


Well-known member
I'll be right there with you!! My cart is prepped and I just want this mirror to come out before anything else sells out! Ughhhh...why Sephora? Why?
im glad to see ill have company hah :)

i would have been totally fine if they put out the ariel video and just said coming soon versus them saying june then the end of june then july blah blah blah its like PLEASE just give us a dang date already...

waiting for this to come out has made me buy other stuff i didn't really need blah!


Well-known member
im glad to see ill have company hah :)

i would have been totally fine if they put out the ariel video and just said coming soon versus them saying june then the end of june then july blah blah blah its like PLEASE just give us a dang date already...

waiting for this to come out has made me buy other stuff i didn't really need blah!
Lol I know. I got some nail polishes in my cart and I don't want them to sell out. Plus, I want the Benefit gift!