shaving blues


Well-known member
i shaved today, not in the shower but still put some water on my legs, and now i have those red itchy bumps!!! help!!! i wanna scratch it but it'll get worse! HELLLLLLLLPPPP!
That's happened to me a couple of times when I tried shaving my legs without shaving cream. You pretty much have to wait it out. Don't put any scented lotions on your legs because that will just make them worse feeling.


New member
I've done that before and I mixed a Aloe with some Neosporin or hydrocortisone . Just make sure it's pure aloe. Otherwise maybe try some vaseoline and then splash with cold water and pat dry.


Well-known member
I do that all the time!! The cure, and this is what my doctor gave me, Hydrocortizone. It's MADE to relieve itches and reduce redness.

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