She botched my hair.


Well-known member
I went to the famed Toni&Guy yesterday with a full head of hair, it was beautiful and long and had taken me a YEAR to grow out. I wanted a beautiful change, so I brought in this picture of SJP in:


sleek, sexy, sophisticated. Guess what the girl does? She chops the whole f*cking monty off. It is maybe 1.5-2 inches past my shoulders, but layered like hell so it appears short. It looked fine when I stepped out of the salon because she put a shit-ton of products in it and blew it out, but when I woke up the next morning I looked like a boy. I feel like I lost all my femeninity, she took off at least 5-6 inches that took me a YEAR to grow out. I am completely devestated.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about shorter hair. I'm upset that the style she cut is hideous and now I can't do anything about it because I can't afford extensions. I would call and complain but I stupidly acted like I liked it yesterday so I don't know what I could say today without sounding like I have a split personality. (from sweetie to raging biatch)

How long will it take for it to grow back, do you think, to where it was? (right in the middle of my boobs..) another year? I pray to God no...anything I can do to make it grow faster?

Any other advice or horrid haircut nightmares to share?


Well-known member
You are still within your rights to complain you liked the finished product with the products in it , if she didnt say you have to use these products to have it look like this then I think you got a wrong look at the finished product, If it does not look like what you brought in then you can maybe ask for some advice on how to style it to look exactly what you want it to look like


Well-known member
Ahhh I am so sorry this happened...But don't stress out to much about it and make yourself feel worse than you already do...I would let them know I was not pleased and probably would not have paid for it....She was probably too busy looking at SJP's boobs in that picture....But anyway...I bet you look us a picture!! Did you explain to her the length you were looking for and how short not to go?


Well-known member
How long it will take it depends on the person. You can always try to take vitamins and look up other ways to get hair growing a bit faster. No guarantee it will though.
I would call the manager and just tell them the situation and see what they can do.. maybe you can get a more experienced stylist to change it up a bit.
If not.... it will grow back in time.. but for now do what you can now to get it to a style you like and don't stress about it.


Well-known member
I agree with what everyone has said, I too had a hair disaster at Tony & Guy. The guy cut my sides out and it has been 4 years and they have still not grown back! I recently got some wonderful advice from the ladies here on Specktra to take Biotin. I got mine from Target and they were about $1.50. I would def talk to the mgr though to see if they can help you with a style you could deal with while it grows out.


Well-known member
Sometimes it takes awhile to learn how to style a new haircut. Hopefully you will get the hang of it in a few days. I agree with the suggestion of Biotin to make it grow faster.

However I would be pissed if a stylist cut my hair short without asking me or even telling me that they were going to. Not cool at all. I would complain about that to the salon, definitely. I'm so sorry that this happened to you.


Well-known member
Well to be honest, it doesn't sound that much shorter than the photo & if it looked okay when you left the salon, is it just that you haven't learned the knack of how to style it yet? Complaining about how long it will take to grow back to the original length is irrelevant, as you asked to have it cut shorter - so surely you only need it to grow a couple of inches if that, to the length you requested? If you wanted it the length it was in the first place, you shouldn't have asked for it to be shorter!

You say that its past your shoulders - in which case, its actually longer than the photo you supplied her with!

I understand if its a bad cut its not a nice feeling, and maybe she has done the layers a little short but it does seem a bit unfair to be complaining because its shorter than the original length - when that's what you asked for?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShesAFoxyLady
Well to be honest, it doesn't sound that much shorter than the photo & if it looked okay when you left the salon, is it just that you haven't learned the knack of how to style it yet? Complaining about how long it will take to grow back to the original length is irrelevant, as you asked to have it cut shorter - so surely you only need it to grow a couple of inches if that, to the length you requested? If you wanted it the length it was in the first place, you shouldn't have asked for it to be shorter!

You say that its past your shoulders - in which case, its actually longer than the photo you supplied her with!

I understand if its a bad cut its not a nice feeling, and maybe she has done the layers a little short but it does seem a bit unfair to be complaining because its shorter than the original length - when that's what you asked for?!

I honestly didn't really like it that much when I left the salon, I thought it was fine but not really what I wanted, and me being a pushover I just pretended like I was extremely happy (this is such a bad habit, I hate myself afterwards when I do that.) But when I woke up the next morning it really settled in and I then realized how much I didn't like it. I want to grow my hair back out because I miss it now. I felt like I could be more versatile with it in terms of styling, and while short hair is cute, this style is not. Before I got it, I didn't really think of how long it would take to grow back/that I would miss my long hair so much because this was a completely impulsive cut. Which also ended up being a mistake.


Well-known member
Thanks for all of your advice ladies. I will def. look into it safe though? I don't have much knowledge on it, and pdt, are they just pills you can buy in the vitamin area? :/

tish i dont have a camera sorry
so i can't show a picture..but man just trust me on this one, it's not pretty. and LOL about the boob comment...I know right? Woman must be wearing a major push-up bra cause in SATC she is fl-at.

pdt ughhh i'm sorry
seriously I know some people say don't stress about bad haircuts, but this one really changed the way I looked overall and it's not one of those "it will look the same in two weeks" type haircuts either. How is biotin working for you btw? Have you seen good results?

angelc, the thing was, I asked her if my hair would just dry nicely and I wouldn't have to style it as much, and she said yes. So I didn't buy any products cause I don't like to put a lot in my hair. Little to my knowledge did I know it didn't dry nicely at all even when I parted it the way she told me to. I was def. pissed, and really upset when the next morning it just looked nothing like what I wanted in any way, shape or form. The girl was just unqualified, she was really young and I don't think she knew what she was doing that much, but this was my first time at T&G and I had a lot of trust in them. Too bad I just got a bad stylist.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luvsic
Before I got it, I didn't really think of how long it would take to grow back/that I would miss my long hair so much because this was a completely impulsive cut. Which also ended up being a mistake.

Fair play. I know how horrible it is when you are 'put on the spot' so to speak, and don't want to complain but at the same time you know you're really not happy with it

I've had a terrible haircut years and years ago (much worse than yours, if its any consolation, I had my long hair chopped off completely - as in about a couple of inches!). That was horrible.

Sorry to hear you're still really unhappy with it. Is there any way she could style it to make it a bit more suitable for you? If so, may be worth going back to the salon. If not, hopefully it will grow again soon - it's really not *that* short, although I know it will feel it to you


Well-known member
Draw up the courage and go back to the salon and ask for the manager. Take with you the picture you showed the stylist and a picture of what your hair was like before if you have one.

Tell the manager exactly what you were looking for and that you are very upset at how it actually turned out. If nobody ever raises such concerns, stylists who would benefit from some more supervision and training never get it and clients never get what they want.

Good luck!


Well-known member
luvsic..heres something that might make you feel better..last summer I was in europe and realized my bangs needed to be trimmed so I go to a salon that my cousins were saying was good..(btw my hair was almost up to my belly button at the time layered with side bangs) I go in there and the lady doing my hair goes..oh you need a trim and i knew i did but i was hesitant because ive been going to the same guy since i was like 10 to cut my hair and I didnt want to try anyone new...but after telling me 1000 times my ends look horrible i gave into her and told her she can TRIM and I said less then a inch because i dont wanna notice that its been cut...she pulled my hair back and was going at it..thing is i was realizing shes taking a while...i glanced at the floor and saw so much hair..I almost had a heart I tell her to stop and let me see wahts shes done because i couldnt tell since she pulled my hair back..she brings it up front and it was maybe as long as your hair right now about a inch pass my shoulders...I started being a bitch to her like what did u do..and she was giving me an excuse that my hair was soo damaged..guys ive never dyed my hair and get a hair cut regularly i knew i was due for one..not 10 inches im furious and i tell her i came for my bangs and u didnt even trim my bangs and she goes im gonna do that next..she grabs my bangs in one hand bangs were probally a inch long...OMG! it was horribe! lets just say my bangs were pinned back for 2 months..and i went home crying HAHA! its grown out alot but this was a over a year ago still not at the same length since then but i can look back and laugh now :-/ lol..and so will if you feel shity about ur hair think about 1 inch bangs and realize you look great lol..woo that was way to long of a story :)


Well-known member
I am anti-Toni & Guy! They're overpriced and rarely listen to what you actually want. They turned my hair bright flippin PEACH once. Oh my, it was horridly bad. What was worse, they told me to come back in three day so they could fix it!! Three days I had to walk around with peach hair!

I gave them another chance a few years later, and similar to you, the stupid woman hacked more than half my hair off. It was suppose to end a couple inches below the sholder, but she took it up a couple above my shoulder instead. So yup, I was sportin' the boy look too. I found texturizing products helped tremendously and I could style it ultra cute, with some effort.

My hair grows ULTRA slow, so it took about two years or so to get it to where it is now, just above my I have heard Mane n' Tail Shampoo works great to help it grow faster, as well a pre-natal vitamins (available at walgreens/cvs). Sounds silly, but a co-worker swears by it.

Just remember, it will grow out....


Well-known member
Yup I think you should still call and complain. If anything, maybe the stylist can give you a styling lesson so you can learn how to make the most of what you have. I know it's not a perfect solution but it would make the style easier to live with, I think.


Well-known member
i'm not a massive fan of toni and guy either. i went in to get some highlighst - i'd had highlights before but wanted to treat myself so thought that toni and guy were meant to be super good. however i got one colour of blonde put in and when it was dried it looked grey! grey!!!!! i paid £110 to get grey highlights!!!

i not have an amazing hairdresser and the salon owner always does my hair. i have 3 types of blonde put in and she cuts it perfectly (if i say i want a trim that means 1/2 and inch!!!) and she even slowly cuts my sweeping fringe just so she doesnt do it shorter than i want. she is absolutely the perfect stylist. but it took me like 4 years to find her!!


Well-known member
i find that the "prestigious" salons sometimes give the worst cuts!
My hair was past my shoulders, but i wanted a big change. I frequently went back and forth between growing my hair long and cutting it short. I wanted to go back short, and really wasnt scared of how short it would be. I was recommended a stylist. Firstly, this salon thinks theyre uber high fashion. I had an appointment booked, and they were busy doing a photo shoot, so my stylist waltzed in a hour late. I was literally getting my stuff to leave as he came in. Anyway, i let it slide. I showed the stylist a bunch of pictures, telling him what i was going for (short, around ear length, choppy, something i could play around with). He Kind of insulted all the pictures i brought. He was really rough with with his clips, digging them into my scalp and scraping it. Anyway, i was getting nervous about the cut, so i started watching really closely, and he was doing all these weird things, leaving really long layers. I figured i would wait till the end of the cut, and then he's like "Oh, do you like how i'm cutting both sides of you're hair different ways? Neat huh?" I said "No, not really. I can't tell where you're going." I seemed to crush his ego a bit, so he kept quiet. Anyway, At the end of the cut he gave me a really A symmetrical cut, which didnt have an even transition in the back (one side was like half an in longer) and he left 2 or 3 random long rat tails!!!! there was one near the back on my neck and one behind one ear.
I had been saying i didnt like them during the whole cut, but he kept saying he wanted a "feel" for my hair. At the end he asked if i liked them. I said no, please cut them off. he says "oh yea, don't be afraid to let me know!" Uhhh i just did. He cut them slightly shorter. I asked him again. Again he just cut them a bit shorter. Finally i said it was fine, cause i would fix it at home.
The cut cost me 70$. No discount for the waiting an hour. Plus i felt i had to tip because the receptionist was my friend's sister. I didn't want them to be like "Wow, you're friend didn't even tip." And make things awkward for her.

This guy seemed to have an ego. I found out he was making me wait because he was eating lunch. Everytime other employees would walk by there were all kissing his ass saying this likes "Awesome colour job!" (i did the colour) or asking for his approval. I think because of that he felt he could do wahtever. Also, because i had purple hair i think he thought i was some 16 year old emoish kind into mullets. So not my thing!

Anyway, my hair was REALLY short, so it took forever to grow out (why i dont want to cut it now!). But it wasn't a bad road, you get some neat styles and lengths going on in between.

And that is my novel.


Well-known member
OMG! I went to toni and guy for 3 years. Never had a problem. One day, I go in to get my bob trimmed. It was like rihannas before she went super short. Well, somehow I ended up with a freaking MULLET!!! That was almost a year ago and I am still trying to get it back in shape! Truth is, they are mostly a sort of rock and roll kind of place and alot of the time, they do what they want!


Well-known member
Wow, I am so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. This happened to me right before I started high school. So you can only imagine my horror, having to start high school with hair that looked short and puffy [think Benjamin Franklin]. My hair was long and blonde (below mid-back in length). I wanted a few inches taken off, and long layers cut in...I decided on long layers because I can't part with my long hair. But I got the opposite of what I wanted. She cut it to my shoulders, and put really short layers in it. The shortest layer started at my lip, and the longest layer was at my shoulders. It was horrible. I said I liked it, but cried when I got home. So I've been there. I'm sorry this happened to you, I know the feeling.


Active member
well in the picture her hair is the length they gave you. maybe she thought you wanted it exactly like the for me i'm scared to death of hairdressers. ever since like i took this really long time growing my hair out, i went to salon with a picture, and they ended up giving me a friggin scene mullet. it was the worst. i haven't had a haircut since now i just trim my own bangs..

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