She Shines June 2006 (new pigments)


Well-known member
ok i definitely thought that green was going to be a lighter more minty shade by pics I had seen b4 that....I am surprised that I am kinda not feeling these


Well-known member
Originally Posted by koolmnbv
ok i definitely thought that green was going to be a lighter more minty shade by pics I had seen b4 that....I am surprised that I am kinda not feeling these

I know I wanted a minty green one too! It's like the other green piggies I have!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I can't believe we haven't seen any other pictures of this collection yet... how can I budget? I want so much from Lure that I will be broke by the time these pigments are realeased!

Get samples when you can.. those will be around forever!!


Well-known member
Thanks for the pic! I am looking froward to seeing these in person before I get too excited for them. Those pictures don't really do much for me but I know when I swatch them I might feel differently.

I am going to be so poor this summer with all the MAC collections!!!


Well-known member
they all seem a little meh, but i'll end up buying them all "just in case" maybe they look better IRL? (hopefully) I've saved all the pics I've come across in paint all jumbled together & each pic looks a little different


Well-known member
Oooh, very pretty pigments! I think I want all except Sunpepper, way too purply and dark for me, an I have some doubts about the Azrael Blue, because it looks so blue and I alreayd have the Blue and Steel Blue pigment, this looks a bit like a mixture of those two.
But very pretty!


Well-known member
OMGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!The excitement is building up!Now that I seen the pics I want more!HAHAAHAHAHH!

But I need to know this....does azreal blue have a tint to it...Like a purple tint like cornflower?Or like pink opal(white w/pink tint)?If it does I'm so not getting it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JLEEMARKOWITZ
will these more then likley be on the website the tuesday before the release?

Look at you planning already! I recall hearing something about hiding a credit card?!?!

That being said, I am not sure since there are two release dates - June 15th and 29th. I am so on the fence about these. There are 4 that I am interested in, but most of them I won't use all that often to warrant buying a whole jar... UGH!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Look at you planning already! I recall hearing something about hiding a credit card?!?!

That being said, I am not sure since there are two release dates - June 15th and 29th. I am so on the fence about these. There are 4 that I am interested in, but most of them I won't use all that often to warrant buying a whole jar... UGH!!

i know i know!!!
its out of control! i know for sure i want :

shimmertime: soft baby pink
golder's green: sea-green with gold
azreal blue: soft blue with silver

i was thinking about getting all of them but that would be silly,i know i wont use all of them,i may get dazzleray as well but i dont know....
more then likley i will end up with the above 3 i mentioned..
and then thats it!! until the nordstrom anniversary that is...
my name is jessica,and i have a problem.:crap:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JLEEMARKOWITZ
i know i know!!!
its out of control! i know for sure i want :

shimmertime: soft baby pink
golder's green: sea-green with gold
azreal blue: soft blue with silver

i was thinking about getting all of them but that would be silly,i know i wont use all of them,i may get dazzleray as well but i dont know....
more then likley i will end up with the above 3 i mentioned..
and then thats it!! until the nordstrom anniversary that is...
my name is jessica,and i have a problem.:crap:

Who are you kidding girl?!!? You KNOW once you see Turquatic, you will break!
I am sure that the Nordstroms Anniversary collection will kill me too, but it is only 2 days after my birthday, so if I am lucky, someone else will be buying the stuff for me!
For now, my list includes:
Golders Green
Azreal Blue
And I have my eye on nightlight too, but I have to see them all in person first. Lucky for me, I have access to a freestanding store, and several counters, so I can get half on the first release date, and the other half on the second release date... that's if I want them all by the time I see them!

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