Originally Posted by LuvinMyMAC
After reading post after post about Petticoat, I went to a counter a few days ago to buy it. The MA tested it on my face and we both looked at each other with that Uh Oh look. It was way too pink for my yellow undertones and clashed something fierce. I feel cheated because everyone loves it so much.
Oh no! I gave in to temptation and bought a Petticoat, which should be delivered this morning. I'm going to play around with it this weekend and
make it work for me. lol...
I also take back what I said about Gold Deposit. I went back to the MAC store and a different MA found me a less glittery one. The MSF I have gives a much finer shimmery finish, but you only need a teeny tiny amount if you want to avoid recreating a 70s Soul Train look.
I really want to get a backup So Ceylon. It's my HG MSF, and the only one that's not sold out on the UK MAC website. Please tell me I don't need to buy a backup! My name is amber_j. I have too much MAC and I need help!